How To Create Your Own Loyalty Program

BY Lucy Fang
Sep 28, 2017
loyalty program, reward management system, incentive program

The reason you’re reading this post – is it is likely you are curious about how to launch an awesome loyalty program. And it’s not as complicated as you think – so stop worrying.  There are great options out there:

Doing it yourself:

Well, if you are looking to spend a lot of money and human resources, the do-it-yourself (DIY) route is where that happens.  DIY not only takes a lot of money and time, but it also forces you to invest an enormous amount of time into investigating customer behaviors, UX trends, and the how-tos. You may come up with a truly unique idea for a loyalty program, but it could take months – even years – to complete the process on your own. Unless, of course, you have a whole department of developers focused solely on your loyalty program needs, it’s going to be quite an investment.

Hiring an agency:

The first step is looking for an agency with experience working in the loyalty and incentive fields.  Agencies can help create custom and attractive loyalty programs.  Their expertise is in developing programs from start to finish and managing all the marketing communication surrounding the development. There’s one consideration: How much will it cost.

Using loyalty software:

The benefit of using a prebuilt loyalty management system is that the company that created and developed it has the technology and knowledge to set up and run a brand management program faster than you can and is less expensive than an agency. And this is the professional expertise is that we offer at All Digital Rewards.

All Digital Rewards advises doing some quick research on which loyalty incentive program solutions might best fit your needs before going down the road of starting an in-depth planning session for your loyalty brand management program. We would also love to help – sign up for a quick demo and learn how we can add value and take the guessing out of an already complicated process.