Category: Customer Loyalty

Your Guide to Launching a Swift and Effective Rewards Program

With competition rife across sectors, differentiating your brand and cementing customer loyalty has never been more vital. A well-structured rewards program can be the catalyst to not only spur repeated engagements but also open the doors to invaluable customer insights necessary for tailoring a superior brand experience.  You might question the real impact of a rewards program, particularly amidst various strategies vying for a section of your annual budget. Research and statistics, however, consistently highlight the pronounced benefits of reward strategies. Let’s walk through the concept of incentive programs and delve into concrete steps you can take to get your system up to speed promptly while avoiding common pitfalls. Rewards programs are powerful tools in a competitive market; they build customer loyalty by rewarding repeat purchases, thereby increasing customer lifetime value. This strategic move not only distinguishes your enterprise from competitors but also augments your brand’s reputation.  A well-implemented program paves the way for enhanced engagement, inviting customers to interact more intimately with your offerings. It becomes easier to collect and utilize customer data to refine marketing efforts and amplify service quality.  Offering a rewards system is not one-size-fits-all – the type of incentive should align with your sector and […]

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Successful Loyalty Program Buying Process

Well-executed incentive programs encourage relationships between businesses and their customers, instead of relationships between customers and their reward points. Technology has moved loyalty programs beyond standard point accrual. The behavioral and emotional components of loyalty and how participants interact with your brand are now front and center for loyalty program strategy, planning, and engagement. Keep in mind that successful incentive programs use simple logic and are friction-free.  A successful program is easy to join, incentivizes engagement, provides a variety of relevant reward products matched to the participant demographics, and excites and delights the members. Understand the responsibilities of the primary stakeholders in the buying process and at what stage each team should join throughout implementation. Several primary stakeholders have varying focuses, concerns, needs, and goals for the incentive program and solution to manage the reward fulfillment, including marketing, customer service, IT & development, and finance teams. It is necessary to include the product manager if you do not cover that function for the program the incentive program is under consideration. Be prepared to acknowledge who’s responsible for, accountable for, and needs to be kept informed of the loyalty program buying process. Evaluate and understand solution providers that align with your […]

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Listen To The Statistics – It’s Time to Invest in a Loyalty Program

Are you still waiting on investing in a loyalty program? The statistics say it’s time to go for it. The Nielsen Global Retail Loyalty Sentiment Report gives businesses across the world numerous reasons to recognize the value of having a loyalty program to increase your company’s success. If you don’t have a loyalty program now, you’ll wish you did by the end of the year. A good loyalty program will drive your customers to frequently visit your establishment or website and spend more with you during each of their visits.Beyond just revenue generated from a core program, with the information your program allows you to collect, you will be able to deliver relevant, targeted promotions to your most loyalty program customers, resulting in an additional sources of revenue. Looking at the Nielsen Global Retail Loyalty Sentiment Report (NGRLSR) we see that 72% of customers stated that they would rather buy from a retailer with a loyalty program over one who doesn’t offer one. 74% of loyalty program participants say they’re more likely to be repeat customers of companies that offer loyalty programs — Loyalty programs give businesses greater levels of customer retention. Customers are also more likely to spend more […]

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The Power of Incentives in Building Relationships

Building loyalty among customers, employees, and partners is essential to business success, now more than ever. Incentives can be used to inspire loyalty and influence behaviors. Whether its experiential rewards, rebates, merchandise, e-rewards, such as e gift cards, sweepstakes entries, or virtual gift cards, the right rewards for the right program can make all the difference. When building relationships with your customers, incentives increase brand loyalty and the likelihood of referrals. Loyal customers are 68% more likely to share your brand or business on social media if offered a reward for referrals and word-of-mouth marketing is important, even in our digital age. Referrals are one of the biggest strengths of developing a customer relationship. Offering referral incentives can help you gain those quality customers who talk about your company and it rewards them for spreading your business name. Merkle’s annual Loyalty Barometer Report found that points-based rewards programs are the most popular type of incentive program among consumers. Points-based incentives, particularly with rewards marketplaces are an excellent way to inspire customers. 85% of consumers surveyed for the report said they would like to be able to select the benefits and rewards they receive. This makes it important for companies to […]

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How to Use Incentives to Increase Your Net Promoter Score

A common metric for measuring customer loyalty and predicting business performance is the net promoter score. Many businesses are intimately familiar with this metric and work hard to get a good score. One way to improve your NPS is through the use of incentives. Let’s start with how to measure your NPS. The NPS is very simple and is based on having customers answer one question “How likely is it that you would recommend Business/Product?service to one of your friends or colleagues?” Customers are then asked to score the question between 1 and 10.  After acquiring the data from your customers, you can group them into 3 different categories: To calculate your net promoter score, subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. To calculate your net promoter score, subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. For example, if you had 100 respondents and 25 were passive, 60 were promoters and 15 were detractors, your score would be 45. 60 – 15 = 45 Incentives can be helpful in both acquiring and raising your net promoter score. You can use incentives such as gift cards, prepaid visas, or digital rewards to encourage customers to give […]

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Use Rebates To Build Brand Advocacy

Are you considering a Rebates program? Rebates programs are a fantastic loyalty building tool when done right. Rebate programs show your customers that you want to engage in a customer relationship and want to give back to them. If you offer rebates, it will encourage your customers to become brand advocates, encouraging others to choose your brand over your competitors.Consumers are always looking for deals. A rebate offer will give the necessary push to convince a customer to choose your product over your competitors. Half of all major manufacturers and retailers use rebates as part of their normal product promotions and more the 70% of Americans take advantage of a rebate offer at least once every year. But how do you create an effective rebate program? There are several major elements that go into making a rebate program work effectively. You will need to understand the rebate laws and how they apply to what you want to promote. To avoid the challenges of keeping track of your offers, a centralized database of all information regarding the rebate offer will be important to your program. You will need clear, understandable, and easy to access redemption rules. Your process should be streamlined […]

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Acquiring and Keeping Customers Through Incentive Programs

Acquiring & Keeping Customers Through Incentive Programs Every day businesses are trying to find effective ways to acquire and keep customers. Both customer acquisition and loyalty are top priorities for companies everywhere. A customers incentive program can help you meet both goals. Customer incentive programs create loyal brand advocates among your current clients and entice new customers to turn to you. Customer incentive programs can include things like sweepstakes, points-based incentives, instant win games, or point of sale rewards. Each program should be tailored and branded for your company for maximum effectiveness. The type of customer incentive program you choose will depend on your organization’s needs and goals. Each type of program engages customers in different ways to encourage customer loyalty and acquisition. Sweepstakes Sweepstakes programs are a great way to entice customers and generate excitement. Sweepstakes are especially good at bringing in new customers and encouraging engagement. A well-executed sweepstakes program can be an excellent choice for companies. Points-Based Loyalty Programs Points-based customer incentive programs allow your customers to earn points for engaging in behavior your company finds desirable. Using points-based technology, the points can then be spent by the customers on things like travel, e-gift cards, VISA® prepaid […]

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Resources For Successful Loyalty Marketing Programs

Resources for Success Loyalty Marketing Programs focus on buyer retention and reward customers for their loyalty. Effective customer incentive programs combined with the right reward management system and the help of loyalty service providers can generate strong financial returns. There are several resources that can increase the effectiveness of Loyalty Marketing Programs. Prepaid Cards Prepaid cards are a favorite among participants in customer incentive programs. Prepaid cards are viewed like cash and can be spent almost anywhere. Loyalty service providers will commonly offer both virtual prepaid cards and physical prepaid cards as rewards for customer incentive programs. Real-Time Triggered Loyalty Messaging Loyalty technology can provide participants with instant, personalized, real-time messages during their participation with your consumer incentive program. These messages can create a highly personalized and improved experience when engaging with your loyalty program. Digital Rewards Digital rewards allow your customers to receive instant recognition for their participation in your customer incentive programs. Compared to physical rewards, which must often be shipped to participants, digital rewards allow customers to enjoy instant gratification. Digital reward vendors, like All Digital Rewards, can outfit your loyalty marketing programs with a wide range of digital rewards from recognized brands for your loyal customers […]

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General Purpose Prepaid Card vs. Loyalty Reward Card: What’s the Difference?

There is an extensive offering of prepaid cards out on the market today, some of which have been evolving over the years, and some completely new to the scene. It’s important for you to determine which type of prepaid card you are looking for; General Reloadable Prepaid Cards, Rebate Prepaid Cards, Open/Closed Loop Prepaid Cards, Loyalty Reward Prepaid Card, and the list goes on and on! Working with a knowledgeable prepaid card provider can help navigate misinformation and help you determine what prepaid cards will work with your incentive program needs.  But, in the interim in this post, we will break down two types of cards from the above list and help you determine what the differences are, and which one you should be leaning towards for your company’s next loyalty incentive program. General Reloadable Prepaid Cards General Reloadable Prepaid Cards are probably one of the most common prepaid cards out on the market today. They are easy for the average consumer to use and can be used virtually anywhere. These prepaid cards act as a debit card, but funds are preloaded onto the card prior to use and can be reloaded with currency at any time, making them very […]

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Include a Prepaid Reward Card as the Incentive When Creating an Award-Winning Consumer Promotion

Consumer sales promotions are a great way to entice consumers to purchase a product – does your incentive reward provider offer Prepaid Rewards Cards?  Did you know that prepaid Rewards Cards are known to be one of the top preferred reward types for consumer incentive programs? There are lots of reasons why consumers love prepaid cards and a quality prepaid reward card provider can help take your next consumer promotion to award-winning levels! But what are the real benefits of using VISA prepaid incentive reward card in you consumer promotions? The main benefit of a Prepaid Card is that the branding of the card can mirror your company. Why is this such an important factor as a business? It’s simple! This is a fantastic brand awareness tool and also encourages your consumers to keep coming back for more! While Prepaid Cards may be a great option for your Loyalty Program, there are several important details to consider, for example: These cards are super simple to become accustomed to, but it’s important that the cards are loaded and ready to activate the second your customer opens it. People want instant gratification. This also ensures that the customer will not have to deal […]

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