Tag: loyalty program

Pros and Cons of Implementing a Points-Based Loyalty Program

Marketers are constantly searching for new ways to attract and retain customers. Often, this involves using tried and true loyalty marketing methods. From offering discounts on popular items to “buy-one-get-one-free” sales, marketing professionals typically stick with what works. However, these approaches can be costly. If the boost in sales doesn’t make up for the lost revenue, the programs can hurt, rather than help, the company. A points-based customer loyalty program offers a compelling, yet cost-effective driver of sales for any business. How it works The concept of the program is simple. Every time a customer or employee completes a qualifying activity, they earn a specified number of points. They are able to easily track the number of points they have earned throughout their time as a customer of the business. The prospect of earning even more points draws them back in. Eventually, whenever the participant earns enough points, they can redeem them for a reward of some kind. This could include prepaid Visa cards, gift cards, digital rewards, goods, and services from the issuing organization. Other organizations may award participants in their points-based customer loyalty program bonus products. In addition to driving repeat sales, these programs also create new channels […]

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5 Goals For Designing a Creative and Successful Loyalty Program

A great loyalty program can help a business gain loyal repeat customers and also increase a customer’s lifetime value. But just having any old loyalty platform doesn’t do it these days. Customers are looking to buy the brand, not just the product. They want to feel sought after or rewarded when they devote their time and money to your brand. In just about every industry there is more than one company that offers similar or the same product. Creating a distinguishable brand is necessary to succeed! Designing a loyalty program that is creative, easy to use, and attracts attention is what will keep your business thriving. When it comes time to take that step most businesses feel like “Where do I even begin?” While designing and implementing a “loyalty program” sounds complicated and overwhelming, we’ve got news for you: it’s not. As long as there is an objective in mind when creating a rewards program for your customers and an experienced loyalty platform provider to help execute marketing, translate retention tool metrics, and establish the expectations of the program, designing a loyalty program can be a rewarding, stress-free endeavor that any business can tap into. Jumping into the top 5 […]

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All Digital Rewards Achieves HITRUST Certification, Enhancing Healthcare Data Security and Compliance

All Digital Rewards, a leading provider of digital incentive and reward platforms, has achieved HITRUST certification. This accomplishment underscores the company’s dedication to healthcare data security, compliance, and risk management. HITRUST certification is a following of industry-recommended controls and regulations, including HIPAA, to protect sensitive healthcare information. All Digital Rewards has successfully met the strict standards set forth by HITRUST certification, in particular, demonstrating its dedication to protecting clients’ data and reducing technology risks. As a provider of incentive and reward solutions to healthcare organizations, All Digital Rewards recognizes the critical importance of data security and privacy. The HITRUST certification confirms the company’s commitment to maintaining the highest information technology and security standards. By achieving this HITRUST certification, All Digital Rewards further establishes itself as a trusted partner for healthcare providers seeking a secure and compliant incentive and reward platform. “We are delighted to receive HITRUST certification, which stresses our constant pursuit of excellence in healthcare data security,” said Kathryn Felke, President at All Digital Rewards. “This achievement mirrors our unwavering commitment to our client’s privacy and data protection needs. The certification also instills the utmost confidence in our clients that we handle their sensitive information with the highest level […]

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In this informative paper, we will assist you in building the case for loyalty and incentive technology. You will start by summarizing the benefits of a loyalty incentive program to clearly define the value proposition, how the organization’s investment in a loyalty and incentive program, and the necessary technology to support it will help achieve your organization’s business goals. With the rising engagement and acquisition costs and shifts in managing privacy, now is a perfect time to reinvest or invest in your incentive program technology to future-proof your business’s internal and external engagement initiatives.  Loyalty and incentive programs are vital to future-proofing a brand. It’s not enough to rely on a decentralized one-off view of single application type incentive programs to manage your participant’s lifetime value for your market research incentive programs. Companies now look to add a business channel or expand existing in an organization. They look to modernize their Platform technology, developed on the foundation of security standards that can build and engage an internal and external participant base to drive brand revenue, engagement, growth, and longevity. The primary difference between an incentive management platform and a single applications solution lies in flexibility and scalability. Single incentive application […]

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How to Create a Successful Channel Partner Incentive Program

It is essential to understand what channel incentive programs are and why they are crucial to a successful company’s marketing strategy. An underdeveloped and poorly implemented program can underwhelm important channel partner incentive programs that are vital to you meeting company business objectives. It is surprising how brands fail to consider or successfully execute an indirect go-to-market approach that uses channel partnerships to help scale, expand into new markets, build brand recognition and enhance product value. Below are some essential ideas to help energize partners and increase sales. Start with the Basics What is a channel partner incentive program? A channel partner incentive program motivates your product partners, including resellers and distributors, to engage in certain behaviors by offering valuable rewards and incentives that help them grow their businesses. Channel partners often vary in shape and size depending on your market and don’t necessarily have to be in your industry to be successful. They can be affiliates, resellers, distributors, independent retailers, and even value-added providers. Anyone that sells your brand and doesn’t work directly for your business is a potential channel partner. The best way to ensure that your brand stands out above the competition is through well-executed channel partner […]

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Incentive Program Strategies: Fact-finding and involvement

The first step to building an incentive program strategy is to conduct internal research on business operations, current customers, employees, and competitors. Incentive programs are always more effective if you can get input from members of your participant audience. Try and get feedback on the rules, rewards, and any other aspects of the program that will increase ownership and engagement in your research. Meet with departments across the organization to identify what goal/objective needs to be accomplished, such as increased sales, improved attendance, etc. While you’re setting goals, identify which individuals or teams can achieve that department’s organizational goals and objectives; those are each department’s program participants. Work with management to build the foundation of the Incentive Program carefully. You will help them to understand whether they will need an open-ended or closed-ended program design and identify the organization’s fixed and variable costs. If they have current programs up and running, get a better understanding of them. Find out if you can improve on the operational efficiencies or increase engagement. Rewards should be consistent with your participant demographics as well as the organization’s brand. The more information you can get from your audience on the types of rewards they’ll appreciate, […]

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The Case for Incentive Technology

With acquisition and engagement costs on the rise, along with shifts in managing privacy, there has never been a better time to invest in incentive program technology. Incentive program technology is the key to future-proofing the internal and external engagement initiatives of your business.  It’s not enough to rely on a decentralized one-off view of single application type incentive programs to manage programs such as employee recognition,health and wellness,sales incentives, channel, and consumer promotions. to drive brand revenue, engagement, growth, and longevity companies look to advanced Platform technology developed on the foundation of security standards that can build and engage an internal and external participant base. A loyalty and incentive programs are the ideal relationship-building tool to overcome these monumental changes because it provides a clear value exchange for participants. Acquisition costs on the rise Customer acquisition costs (CAC) increased over 60% in the past six years and showed no signs of slowing. Because programs have moved primarily online to interact with participants – participants notice when technology, convenience, or delays affect their experiences.   Organizations can combat rising costs by focusing on retention.  Benefits from an enterprise-level reward incentive program can include higher participant engagement, better insights,  increased operational efficiencies, […]

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Successful Loyalty Program Buying Process

Well-executed incentive programs encourage relationships between businesses and their customers, instead of relationships between customers and their reward points. Technology has moved loyalty programs beyond standard point accrual. The behavioral and emotional components of loyalty and how participants interact with your brand are now front and center for loyalty program strategy, planning, and engagement. Keep in mind that successful incentive programs use simple logic and are friction-free.  A successful program is easy to join, incentivizes engagement, provides a variety of relevant reward products matched to the participant demographics, and excites and delights the members. Understand the responsibilities of the primary stakeholders in the buying process and at what stage each team should join throughout implementation. Several primary stakeholders have varying focuses, concerns, needs, and goals for the incentive program and solution to manage the reward fulfillment, including marketing, customer service, IT & development, and finance teams. It is necessary to include the product manager if you do not cover that function for the program the incentive program is under consideration. Be prepared to acknowledge who’s responsible for, accountable for, and needs to be kept informed of the loyalty program buying process. Evaluate and understand solution providers that align with your […]

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ADR Introduces EzePlay Rewards

All Digital Rewards Introduces EzePlayRewards™ to Create a Personal Relationship with Customers with Point Based Games The new EzePlayRewards™ product gives companies an engaging affordable end to end solution to increase customer satisfaction and support revenue-generating loyalty programs All Digital RewardsNovember 9, 2021 SCOTTSDALE, Nov. 9, 2021, a leader in Reward Management Technology, today announced EzePlayRewards™, a new product for companies to increase customer trust and engagement across industries, including retail, market research, health and wellness, manufacturing, travel, and hospitality. Built on the ADR Customer RewardSTACK™ Platform, EzePlayRewards™ allows companies to create highly engaging code and point-based loyalty programs using game technology for B2B and B2C customers with a flexible, configurable, and quickly deployable solution that fits their specific needs. Companies offering an EzePlayRewards™ product can target their participant’s specific demographic and reward preferences with games and prize mixes to provide a more personalized experience with the use of games to engage hard to please participants and or for smaller incentives budgets. ADR helps companies across industries, to stay current with customer expectations and help drive business value by creating loyal, lifelong customers with highly responsive gaming experiences. Loyalty programs help companies drive growth and develop long-term relationships with their […]

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White Paper: What Are Best Practices for Creating a Consumer and Customer Rewards Program?

Consumer and customer rewards programs are a widely popular method of engaging with an organization’s customers, increasing brand loyalty, sales, and more. Over the years, our team at All Digital Rewards has seen changes in participant reward delivery preferences. Evolving participant preferences has sparked a much-needed innovation in promotional and loyalty technology, the security systems that protect it, and the type of rewards and incentives issued through it. Experience has shown All Digital Rewards that some best practices need to evolve to meet ever-changing market demands for reward and incentive promotions and programs. Here are our top 10 best practices. Having objectives is essential to any venture, but unfortunately, it is more common than not for an incentive program manager to outline the program objectives inadequately. You’d be surprised at how many companies want to start a customer incentive program with the vague goal of simply boosting sales. Increasing your sales isn’t the only target, but more profound questions to answer to hone into the program’s true objectives.  Consider, is your problem 1) that you’re not bringing in enough new customers, or 2) that your competition is getting all your potential customers? If it is the latter, why? Is it […]

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White Paper: The Secret To The Right Rewards

An effective rewards program benefits both recipients and the sponsoring organization. When participants get recognized for targeted behavioral outcomes, they have an increase in interest, satisfaction, and involvement in organizational activities. As a result, the organization experiences greater outcomes, efficiency, and an increase in revenue and productivity.  According to one popular theory of human motivation, actions often are inspired by a desire to gain outside reinforcement. In other words, human beings are programmed to perform when they know they will be rewarded or recognized for their actions. This motivation theory suggests an eagerness for the addition of a reward and that it may not only be wanted but needed to motivate behavior. Rewards have a range of uses. They can be good for recognizing people who have stopped performing specific actions, as can be seen in health programs that reward activities like smoking cessation. More importantly, rewards are used to reinforce desirable behaviors, such as increases in sales, engaging in healthy living, performance improvements, and more.  The more importance an individual put on the reward offered, the more influential it becomes in changing their behavior. An extensive offering of rewards increases your chances of building better behavioral outcomes for audiences […]

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Listen To The Statistics – It’s Time to Invest in a Loyalty Program

Are you still waiting on investing in a loyalty program? The statistics say it’s time to go for it. The Nielsen Global Retail Loyalty Sentiment Report gives businesses across the world numerous reasons to recognize the value of having a loyalty program to increase your company’s success. If you don’t have a loyalty program now, you’ll wish you did by the end of the year. A good loyalty program will drive your customers to frequently visit your establishment or website and spend more with you during each of their visits.Beyond just revenue generated from a core program, with the information your program allows you to collect, you will be able to deliver relevant, targeted promotions to your most loyalty program customers, resulting in an additional sources of revenue. Looking at the Nielsen Global Retail Loyalty Sentiment Report (NGRLSR) we see that 72% of customers stated that they would rather buy from a retailer with a loyalty program over one who doesn’t offer one. 74% of loyalty program participants say they’re more likely to be repeat customers of companies that offer loyalty programs — Loyalty programs give businesses greater levels of customer retention. Customers are also more likely to spend more […]

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