Category: Platform

Choosing The Right Reward Management Technology

Whether it’s channel sales, health & wellness, loyalty, or a customer incentive program, the technology behind it has to fit the program’s needs. Shopping for the right reward management technology is an essential part of planning for any incentive program. Although there may be things you will need to customize, there are some standard features that should be included with your incentive management system. Standard Reward Management Software Features Member Profiles –  Set up an infinite number of member accounts with vital personal data. Manage the virtual currency accounts of members in real-time and audit-proof. Admin CRM – You should have access to a comprehensive member dashboard that allows you to view and manage your member profile data and see specific data such as points balance statement, status level, points expiry dates, program creation, and more. Reports and Accounting –   Regularly receive program reports to review the success of your program. System Users & Groups with Audit Tracking –  You should be able to provide module access to users/user groups and define permission levels. Having control and audit-proof user activity records will help you identify any changes made to your program. Event-triggered Communications and Notifications –  Good reward management software will let you set up […]

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Top 2018 Corporate Wellness Trends

It’s that time – we are all gearing up for the new year already, getting through the holiday madness and planning for Q1. With all the busyness of the holiday season, health and wellness program participation tends to have a little bit of a decline, which is why staying up with the trends to entice your participants to get off to a good start next year is so important. When managing a successful corporate health and wellness program, it’s necessary to take ABE approach (Always Be Evolving) and work with a health and wellness incentive provider that understands services you are offering to assist them, and the appropriate incentives needed to modify the behavior to lift program uptake over last year. ABE is key to participation because they continuously need your active interest in their influencing motivation! Key considerations need to be reviewed every year to keep your workplace wellness program on track. Listed below is a handful of the top corporate wellness trends to incorporate into your program for 2018. This one’s a biggie. When presenting a more flexible work environment in exchange for program participation, you can bet that participants will be willing to engage. Offering teleworking or […]

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Incentive Management Technology – Why is it Important?

We thought so, and we’re glad you’re exploring what it takes to create, launch and manage a successful incentive program – Technology! Developing a well thought out incentive program strategy is just one aspect of creating a reward incentive program. Thinking beyond the types of the rewards offered in your program, you need to make sure you are shopping around for the right loyalty program provider and management tool to ensure your program’s transparency, performance, and ease is just as important as the selecting the right rewards to offer, maybe even more important. Bottom line, a fully custom tool that works for your program’s needs is definitely the best option to include at program launch, but sometimes the budget doesn’t allow for this option (or so we think) and you might not be exploring the best available options in today’s loyalty technology market space. But what if we told you that you could have a program management tool tailored to your specific program needs, at an affordable price? The following is what you can expect from All Digital Rewards, a leading reward management technology provider, and what you should be on the lookout for when shopping around for other providers. […]

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How To Create Your Own Loyalty Program

The reason you’re reading this post – is it is likely you are curious about how to launch an awesome loyalty program. And it’s not as complicated as you think – so stop worrying.  There are great options out there: Well, if you are looking to spend a lot of money and human resources, the do-it-yourself (DIY) route is where that happens.  DIY not only takes a lot of money and time, but it also forces you to invest an enormous amount of time into investigating customer behaviors, UX trends, and the how-tos. You may come up with a truly unique idea for a loyalty program, but it could take months – even years – to complete the process on your own. Unless, of course, you have a whole department of developers focused solely on your loyalty program needs, it’s going to be quite an investment. The first step is looking for an agency with experience working in the loyalty and incentive fields.  Agencies can help create custom and attractive loyalty programs.  Their expertise is in developing programs from start to finish and managing all the marketing communication surrounding the development. There’s one consideration: How much will it cost. The […]

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Comparing Loyalty Reward Management Solutions

The current landscape of changing consumer preferences and countless brand opportunities drive companies to embrace customer loyalty is the answer to increasing the lifetime value of their customers. Loyalty service providers looking to find companies in need of extending their customer’s lifetime value are more and more turning to content and lead generation providers who are not necessarily experts in the field of loyalty or technology. These 3rd party providers are experts in generating content to meet the needs of Google’s search requirements, as well as lead generation. Once you fill out a lead form, they will track you to the end of time. Sound familiar? Companies in need of a dependable and affordable loyalty program provider are just looking for a loyalty service provider that can provide the technology to support incentive and reward issuance that is aligned with customers user preferences that will successfully induce their customers to keep coming back. Be careful not to fall prey to companies who are employing a wide variety of content, lead generation tactics while attracting your attention. You are looking for a qualified loyalty provider not necessarily an expert in lead generation. What should you be concerned with when comparing and […]

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How Incentive Promotions Drive ROI in a Loyalty Program

Does your customer acquisition marketing campaign need a little boost?  Something to liven it up and add some pizzazz and excitement to your current recruitment promotion.  Or perhaps you need to notify your loyal advocates of a new product and refresh the idea of current programs into a campaign that’s been ongoing for a long period. If any of these apply to you, then you will benefit from a short-term incentive promotion marketing program and drive higher ROI. You may be asking how a short-term loyalty program works. In the Market Research world, you perhaps have a good base of research participants but have just started to notice and drop off in participation.  You discover that the rewards have become stale and redundant and panelists are in need of a nudge to engage or update profiles. The offering has not changed in months, and you are on a decline – you are losing your base!  This would be a good time when an aggressive attempt to grow the respondent base is needed but how can you acquire new customers or engage past ones?  Better yet, how can you keep the ones you already have happy and loyal? This is a […]

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Reward Mix is Essential in a Successful Loyalty Program

Has your sales incentive program turned to loyalty rewards yet? Are you finding that you have good engagement from your channel partners with your current channel sales incentive program? Does your sales promotions need deeper engagement and a more personalized contact to drive loyalty? Or are you still using mass blast communications and gimmicks? If so, it’s time to look at a new way to expand on your current direct sales marketing and create a whole new way to excite and pique the interest of your sales channel.   An excellent way to promote new engagement is by mixing it up with your reward program. Studies have shown that the people in your rewards programs are the ones who make the best and most profitable customers.* So, why not reward those sales’ teams that have been in the program longest or participated the most with a loyalty program that makes them happy and mixes up the rewards to provoke new interest and allegiance! A mixed arrangement regularly gives a truly necessary fit between the business prerequisites, spending plan, and reclamation strategy. Normally the way of the venture dictates if a physical offer piece or an electronic code that is dispersed […]

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Loyalty Program Software Comparisons

There sits your sales team.  They’re on the phone or in front of a customer, ready to land that big deal. You rely on these people to play an integral role in bringing your products and services to market through a dealer network.  But how much does your team know about current offers on the products and services they sell?  How do you move special offers through your partner channel to satisfy the objectives of key stakeholders and still rouse your sales team and dealer network? To start with, recognize this is a challenge for any sales channel strategy plan.  A channel sales strategy should energize loyalty engagement to spur a business drive to change behavior or, if nothing else, manage them in a specific course of action from educating your partner network about your products and services to helping your sales team close more deals, with you all the while managing the results is real-time.  Then again, the loyalty program additionally needs to fit inside a company’s financial constraints and not cause costs that counterbalances the advantage of the channel sales incentive program.  A key question for you to consider when developing your strategy is what type of a […]

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