Category: Incentive Management System

The Key To Retention: Incentives

Use incentives to increase retention. Whether it’s your sales force, partners, research panel participants, or employees, retention is an important part of your company’s strategy. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in 2018, 15.5% of workers chose to quit their jobs, with Millennial workers making up half of those who quit. There are lots of reasons for employees quitting, but with a low unemployment rate, it is a workers job market, and companies have to get competitive in both hiring and retention. Incentive programs are a proven method for retention and acquisition.  An incentive program shows your people that you value them and increases their engagement and motivation. According to a study released by Bersin & Associates, there’s a 14% higher rate productivity in companies with incentive programs. Additionally, companies with engaged employees have higher rates of retention.    It is worth comparing incentive program technology and management software programs before setting up your new incentive program. To ensure that you’re getting what you need for your program, there are several key features you should look for:   To increase the effectiveness of your incentive program, you should have an extensive selection of rewards offerings available to your participants. […]

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What Are The Most Effective Types Of Incentives?

Whether it is for a customer loyalty incentive program, a health and wellness incentive program, or a channel partner program,  choosing the right rewards and incentives is one of the most important parts of planning your incentive program. But how do you know which incentives will be the most effective for your program?  Well, first we need to go over the different types of incentives and rewards. Merchandise can include a number of different things.  It can include highly rated products such as jewelry, electronics, appliances, etc.,  novelty items custom branded for your company, and so much more! Merchandise is often understandable considered the workhorse of any incentive program. It’s not hard to understand why cash equivalents such as physical prepaid visa cards, digital prepaid cards, and checks are a favorite among consumers. People love cash, so cash equivalents are always a crowd pleaser. Cash equivalents work best as part of a reward mix, rather than as stand-alone incentives Digital rewards are incredibly satisfying to participants. People love instant gratification, and digital rewards give that to consumers. There is something beautiful about earning a reward and being able to redeem it right away. Digital rewards are an ideal choice for […]

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Choosing The Right Reward Management Technology

Whether it’s channel sales, health & wellness, loyalty, or a customer incentive program, the technology behind it has to fit the program’s needs. Shopping for the right reward management technology is an essential part of planning for any incentive program. Although there may be things you will need to customize, there are some standard features that should be included with your incentive management system. Standard Reward Management Software Features Member Profiles –  Set up an infinite number of member accounts with vital personal data. Manage the virtual currency accounts of members in real-time and audit-proof. Admin CRM – You should have access to a comprehensive member dashboard that allows you to view and manage your member profile data and see specific data such as points balance statement, status level, points expiry dates, program creation, and more. Reports and Accounting –   Regularly receive program reports to review the success of your program. System Users & Groups with Audit Tracking –  You should be able to provide module access to users/user groups and define permission levels. Having control and audit-proof user activity records will help you identify any changes made to your program. Event-triggered Communications and Notifications –  Good reward management software will let you set up […]

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The Easiest Way To Motivate Your Channel Partners

Motivation is the secret sauce for success in your channel partner program. The question is, how do you cultivate the motivation your sales force needs? A recent Forbes article outlined six keys to workplace motivation: Set goals Celebrate milestones Provide feedback Empower problem-solving and learning Follow through on promises Experiment and learn Most people will agree that these are all effective ways to motivate people, but how do you put this information into practice? A sales incentive program is an excellent way to apply all six of these motivation tips. In this post, we’ll show you how your new incentive program can implement each of these elements to increase your sales force’s motivation and productivity. Sales incentive programs allow for clear goal setting for your sales force. By offering incentives to your sales force in exchange for the completion of specific tasks or goals, you will increase their motivation and give them clear objectives to work towards. For bigger goals, you can offer individual incentives such as virtual prepaid cards, branded gift card incentives, or travel incentives like cruises and vacation packages. Additionally, with the help of a points-based incentive management solution, you could also give your sales force the […]

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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Channel Partner Program Through The Power Of Incentives

Savvy businesses know that engagement is the most important ingredient in a successful channel partner program. When your channel sales team drives a considerable portion of your business’s revenue, keeping the relationship between you and your sales team strong becomes an essential part of your business’s focus. How do you improve those relationships and get the most out of your channel partner program? Incentives! Incentives are a popular way of improving channel partner programs. The goal of an incentive program is to change behavior. If your incentive program doesn’t cause a change in behavior, it isn’t effective. Effective incentive programs motivate and engage your sales force, pushing them to greater success! A quality incentive program will require you to have the right rewards, the right technology, and the right administrator. Rewards have to be something that your sales force with value, while also fitting your program’s budget. The Right RewardsChoosing the right rewards for your incentive program can be tricky. Rewards have to be something that your sales force with value, while also fitting your program’s budget. Rewards can include Visa prepaid cards, gift cards, merchandise, digital incentives, travel, and experiential rewards. Demographic information, surveys, and an understanding of current […]

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Market Research Incentives Strategies That Could Save You Thousands

The challenge that market researchers face is how to engage participants while keeping costs down. Utilizing an incentive program is a proven way to increase program participation and engage your users, but how do you keep program costs down? Short answer: Gamification and diverse, demographic-specific incentives. Take the case of one of All Digital Rewards Market Research clients. Our client had been running a cash-based incentive program for their market research panels. The program offered checks and prepaid cards, such as visa prepaid card rewards, as incentives for completing program tasks. There was consistent user engagement at least one to five times a month. Users had become habitual in their choices of the cash-equivalent rewards, and the program was proving to be expensive for our client. To decrease our client’s costs, we worked with them to enhance their current incentive program and transform it into a more cost-effective program without sacrificing engagement. First, we introduced a wide range of incentive reward products alongside the current cash-equivalent products as part of the marketplace for the points-based incentive management system. By adding the new rewards alongside the old cash-equivalent rewards, the users were able to view the new marketplace as an upgrade, […]

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Comparing Types of Incentive Programs for 2019

It’s the New Year, and it’s time to consider how you will move your business forward in 2019. You are probably looking at all the new tools available to you and considering all the best solutions to meet your business’s biggest challenges. As you consider these, don’t forget to take a moment to evaluate the benefits of implementing an incentive program for 2019. Simply put, an incentive program is a means of rewarding desired behavior or actions. Incentive programs have a myriad of uses. You could use a sales incentive program to motivate your sales force to improve their performance in 2019. You could start a health and wellness incentive program to promote a healthier workplace. An incentive program could be used for employee recognition or as part of a loyalty marketing campaign. The sky is the limit when considering an incentive program! An incentive program can involve a number of different promotion types. Employees could earn a chance to play an instant win game set up to give them a chance to win virtual prepaid cards or perhaps a family vacation. Another option could be a sweepstakes program to increase customer loyalty and engagement. You could also institute a […]

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How To Start A Sales Incentive Program In 2019

Are you looking to find a new way to motivate your sales force in 2019? Consider implementing a sales incentive program! No matter what industry you’re involved in, incentive programs are an effective way to drive employee engagement. Here are some tips to get you started on your new year incentive program. Engage Your Employees Make sure your employees are engaged by your incentive program. The goal of a sales incentive program is to motivate your employees to engage in desired behavior. To ensure maximum engagement, make sure your program is relevant to your employees. Consult with experts who will be able to help you choose the most effective program types and rewards for your employee demographics. Plan Ahead It is important to have a solid plan in place before you launch your incentive program. To flesh out your plan ask yourself questions like: Don’t Just Focus On The Cost Of Individual Incentives It is easy for decision-makers to focus on the individual costs of incentives and become discouraged. However, if you work with an incentive agency, you can alter the costs. Incentive agencies only pay for rewards redeemed, which reduces costs and improves incentive programs’ ROI. Use The Right […]

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Resources For Successful Loyalty Marketing Programs

Resources for Success Loyalty Marketing Programs focus on buyer retention and reward customers for their loyalty. Effective customer incentive programs combined with the right reward management system and the help of loyalty service providers can generate strong financial returns. There are several resources that can increase the effectiveness of Loyalty Marketing Programs. Prepaid Cards Prepaid cards are a favorite among participants in customer incentive programs. Prepaid cards are viewed like cash and can be spent almost anywhere. Loyalty service providers will commonly offer both virtual prepaid cards and physical prepaid cards as rewards for customer incentive programs. Real-Time Triggered Loyalty Messaging Loyalty technology can provide participants with instant, personalized, real-time messages during their participation with your consumer incentive program. These messages can create a highly personalized and improved experience when engaging with your loyalty program. Digital Rewards Digital rewards allow your customers to receive instant recognition for their participation in your customer incentive programs. Compared to physical rewards, which must often be shipped to participants, digital rewards allow customers to enjoy instant gratification. Digital reward vendors, like All Digital Rewards, can outfit your loyalty marketing programs with a wide range of digital rewards from recognized brands for your loyal customers […]

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Include a Prepaid Reward Card as the Incentive When Creating an Award-Winning Consumer Promotion

Consumer sales promotions are a great way to entice consumers to purchase a product – does your incentive reward provider offer Prepaid Rewards Cards?  Did you know that prepaid Rewards Cards are known to be one of the top preferred reward types for consumer incentive programs? There are lots of reasons why consumers love prepaid cards and a quality prepaid reward card provider can help take your next consumer promotion to award-winning levels! But what are the real benefits of using VISA prepaid incentive reward card in you consumer promotions? The main benefit of a Prepaid Card is that the branding of the card can mirror your company. Why is this such an important factor as a business? It’s simple! This is a fantastic brand awareness tool and also encourages your consumers to keep coming back for more! While Prepaid Cards may be a great option for your Loyalty Program, there are several important details to consider, for example: These cards are super simple to become accustomed to, but it’s important that the cards are loaded and ready to activate the second your customer opens it. People want instant gratification. This also ensures that the customer will not have to deal […]

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A Rewarding Experience – The Building Blocks of a Successful Panel Loyalty Program

Panel loyalty programs increase research firm’s panelist retention, survey frequency, and panelist acquisition programs, making them foundational in increasing your research firm’s profitability and revenue. An effective panel incentive program can build brand advocacy and increase the lifetime value of the panelists. The four basic building blocks when creating an effective panel loyalty program strategy include objectives, gaining program support, rewarding participants and measuring the program. There are a few steps you must take when creating your panel loyalty program. When preparing for a panel incentive initiative, panel managers often face roadblocks in the approval phase of their proposal. Be prepared to show upper management that you have a sound business case, including measurable and accurate metrics. Loyalty incentive programs have proven vital in cultivating and rewarding repeat panelists. You must ensure your loyalty program will be valuable to your key stakeholders. With a strong plan in place with clear financial objectives, management is more likely to understand the benefits of your program and see that it warrants their support. When in the program design phase, take the following steps: There are several types of incentives to select from, including: Pick incentives that fit your budget and will motivate your […]

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