Tag: Sales Incentives

The Secrets To Why Loyalty Programs Deliver Channel Sales Results

No matter how popular or on-trend your product is, if you can’t create an incentive reward program in a cost-effective manner, then you just won’t make a good return on your investment. When your manufacturing facility is not producing the profit margins that you desire, you’ll need to seek out some options that make sense and make your channel sales partners and accountants happy. As incentive and reward management systems evolve, brands and partners are continuing to modify business models, which serves as a catalyst for the change needed to work the core programs. These marketing programs are arguably the most important factors for businesses with indirect sales channels and contribute to the overall success of localized marketing strategy. Here is why: -Rewards programs drive channel revenue. Incentivizing your channel with MDF funds based on sales performance encourages branded co-marketing engagements. The more marketing funds that are dispersed through the network, the more likely the partner is to market the brand, which in turn increases foot traffic and sales. -Compensation programs build up a focused separation for your channel program. Giving your channel guide access to brand dollars expels the biggest boundary to a section for channel showcasing.  -Reward programs […]

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Why your channel strategy should include introducing new incentive technology

Whether you’re starting your first channel sales incentive program, or your company has been using an incentive program for years, choosing the right technology is essential to your success. Does your current incentive management software adequately support your channel marketing strategy? Does it have enough incentives for sales team members to choose from such as gift card rewards, merchandise, and virtual rewards? How ell does it handle security issues? Is the user interface clunky or overly complicated? Are you paying too much? It may be time to consider upgrading your channel partner incentive program technology. Your incentive program channel sales management technology is the core of your incentive program. If the foundation isn’t good, the whole thing will have problems. The right choice of technology can lead to success, high ROI, and greater channel partner engagement and satisfaction. The wrong technology can turn your incentive program into a giant money pit, swallowing up your cash and productivity. When you pick the wrong incentive technology, your only return on investment will be stress. How do you pick the best technology for your organization when comparing different incentive program technology providers? There are many things you can do to make sure you’re […]

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Incentives In a Changing World

The world is changing, and with it, the way we conduct business is changing as well. Companies are seeking new methods of customer acquisition. Employee recognition ideas are a high priority. Sales incentives are becoming more common as part of channel marketing strategy. Virtual incentive options are being sought out.  You can spend thousands on advertising, but that doesn’t guarantee customer acquisition. You can experiment with both new and existing models to retain employees. You can look into new ways to increase sales from your direct channel marketing. All of these are reasonable ideas, but you could say yourself some time and money and use a strategy that works: Incentives.  As we go forward in the years to come, incentives are going to continue to be an essential part of daily operations for businesses in nearly every industry. If your company is needing a change, and you have the budget and organizational support to execute, it may be time to either start an incentive program or upgrade your existing program.  One of the biggest challenges facing businesses is choosing the right rewards and technology to manage their incentive programs. Incentive programs, whether sale incentive programs, employee recognition incentive program, customer […]

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Do Prepaid Cards and gift cards Increase Incentive Program Engagement?

As an incentive program manager, you want to know what’s going to be most effective in increasing engagement. Whether your program is focused on customer acquisition, employee recognition ideas, sales incentives, direct channel marketing, employee rewards programs, corporate health and wellness, or something else, prepaid cards and both physical and virtual gift cards get results.  Prepaid Reward Cards such as; physical & virtual visa and brand named gift card rewards are a strong favorite with incentive program participants.  If you need to increase engagement in an employee rewards program, or any other type of program, you should consider using cash-based incentives. Among the benefits that prepaid cards provide are ease of delivery, high user-perceived value, and being nearly universally accepted buy businesses. Incentive programs continue to include them to increase engagement and reward participants. The facts show that there are lots of reasons for you to consider using prepaid cards and gift cards when creating your incentive and promotional strategy. Ease of Delivery – Reward program managers can deliver rewards in a variety of ways, either digitally or with physical cards allowing users to receive their reward when and how they like it. Universally Accepted – With a VISA prepaid […]

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Why You Need Virtual Incentives For Your Rewards Program

Virtual rewards are a fantastic, bordering on necessary, incentive for any rewards program. Why do virtual visa prepaid cards, digital gift card rewards, e-code redemptions, and other virtual rewards continue to dominate incentive rewards programs? Because whether they’re used for sales incentives, customer incentives, health and wellness, market research programs, or something else altogether, they meet a vital participant need: immediacy. Benefits of Virtual Incentives: Instantly issued participants Can’t be lost in the mail Easy for your participants to use No production cost Participants in your consumer incentives programs, channel partner incentive programs, or sales incentive plans all have one thing in common. None of them want to wait to be rewarded. With merchandise, bulk visa prepaid cards, or checks, your incentive program participants will have to wait, sometimes for weeks, from the time they redeem their reward to the time they receive it. Virtual gift card incentives and visa virtual cards don’t have that problem. When considering market research, consumer, or sales incentive program ideas, think about your demographics. Are virtual incentives a good fit for them? If so, look at your options. To properly offer virtual incentives for your points-based loyalty programs, sale incentive programs, customer incentive programs, […]

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Software & Solutions To Transform Your Channel Sales Incentive Program

The best sales incentive plans have the best software and technology backing them up. Successful channel partner programs prize incentive companies for the support and resources their software brings to the table. No matter whether you’re setting up new sale incentive programs, revamping existing sales incentive plans, or just looking for sales incentive program ideas, you need to talk to the experts at All Digital Rewards. We know how important the right technology is to support a strong channel sales incentives program. We support a wide range of channel sales partnership programs including: Alliance Partnerships Referral Partnerships Reseller Partnerships Your alliance partners who share customers with your business enjoy the perks that incentives, rewards, and engagement bring. Motivated alliance partners will increase brand awareness and sales revenue. We know how to navigate the nuances of your alliance partnership rewards program. Your trusted referral partnerships that send qualified customers to your business want to feel engaged and appreciated. Regardless of if you are using a strategic alliance program, direct to individuals program, or partner network program, we have incentive software solutions that will take your referral partnership incentive program to the next level. Reseller partner incentive programs come with their own […]

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Get Results With Rewards And Incentives

You want to have the best performing employees. Every company does, but just signing a paycheck alone won’t be enough to get you there. Sure, you’ll have the occasional over-achiever, but for most employees, a paycheck is expected compensation for performing basic job functions and it will not connect at a psychological level.  If you want to encourage people to exert extra effort you need to engage them. Employee engagement levels have been linked to increased revenue, retention, and performance.  Despite this, you might be worrying that you’ll have to shell out massive bonuses to motivate your people. However, Increasing engagement doesn’t have to break the bank. Non-cash incentives such as merchandise, sweepstakes entries, and experiential rewards can go a long way in boosting employee motivation levels. With the right incentive program, you can turn your employees into team members.  Incentive programs can create feelings of belonging and increase worker satisfaction. Earning rewards or points for a reward marketplace can give employees a definitive way to measure their performance and drive them to work harder. Produce exceptional results in your companies ROI. Through creating a feeling of belonging among your staff you can instill a sense of company pride in […]

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Experiential Rewards To Increase Your Sales Program Engagement

Your sales incentives program is essential to your success with your channel partners. Those rewards motivate and inspire your channel sales team. Over time, adding or changing your incentive offerings is a good strategy to keep your program fresh and vibrant. The question is, what rewards will have the greatest impact? Here’s where experiential rewards come in. Experiential rewards are always a winner with incentive program participants. They rank as one of the highest in demand rewards. Experiential rewards can include travel, concerts, spa days, dining experiences, sports events, amusement parks, and more.  Picture your participants excitedly working to earn trips to go white water rafting. Imagine how their eyes will light up when they see they have the chance to earn a three-day vacation. Think how hard they’ll work for that pro golf experience. There are so many options out there to motivate your channel partners.  Experiential rewards do so much more than just give participants something for their efforts. If a participant receives a cash incentive, the moment the cash is spent, the reward is all but forgotten. If they redeem for merchandise, it is something that they’ll enjoy, but usually, only the participant will appreciate the reward. […]

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Successful Loyalty Program Delivers Channel Sales Results

Your channel sales team drives a significant portion of your company’s revenue. Their performance is important to you – and it’s important to make sure you have the best loyalty program to help ensure your sales team is happy and productive during the campaign. Participation by your partners is essential but can present challenges that can impact your bottom line. To avoid these problems a streamlined and well-organized loyalty and incentive and programs comes into play. As incentive and reward management systems evolve, brands and partners are continuing to modify business models which in turn drive the change which is necessary to work the core programs. These marketing programs are arguably the most important factors for businesses with indirect sales channels and contribute to the overall success of localized marketing strategy. Here is why: -Rewards programs drive channel revenue. Incentivizing your channel with MDF funds based on sales performance encourages branded co-marketing engagements. The more marketing funds that are dispersed through the network, the more likely the partner is to market the brand, which in turn increases foot traffic and sales. -Reward programs energize new products by giving channel sales turn-key access to center dollars and prompt control over how […]

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