Category: Sales Incentive Management

4 Must-Try Sales Incentive Ideas for Motivated Employees

Companies that succeed typically know how to motivate their sales teams effectively and consistently. Excited salespeople can help boost a company’s overall morale and win over customers with ease. A proven and effective way to influence your sales department to put forth maximum effort is to incentivize them. The benefits of incentives are many. However, it can still feel challenging to choose the right ways to motivate your sales team towards top-tier performance. All Digital Reward is here to help. Try these sales incentive ideas to ramp up your company’s revenue. 1. Learn What Your Team Wants Today’s workers have a wide range of interests and desires. As your sales team grows, choosing a single reward that makes everyone happy can be nearly impossible. Because of that, it’s important to choose an incentive provider offering a varied and extensive rewards mix. Popular rewards can include: An ideal provider aligns sales incentive ideas and rewards that match your employee’s interests and preferences, producing motivating incentives that show how much your company cares. When employees have a range of appealing rewards, they may feel more motivated at work. 2. Consider Your Company’s Budget A long-term incentive solution must fit within your organization’s […]

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Master the Art of Comprehensive Channel Incentive Strategies for Business Success

Mastering Channel Incentive Strategies Channel incentive strategies play a pivotal role in propelling sales, nurturing partnerships, and ultimately, securing triumph in the world of business. To attain this triumphant feat, enterprises must embark on a journey of crafting comprehensive channel incentive strategies. These strategies serve as the catalyst, motivating their partners to operate at peak performance, and fostering a mutually beneficial relationship for all stakeholders involved. Setting Concrete Objectives To master the art of comprehensive reseller incentive strategies, start by setting clear and measurable objectives for your program. This can include goals such as increasing sales, expanding market share, or improving customer satisfaction. The journey towards mastery begins with delineating precise and quantifiable objectives for your incentive program. These objectives should encompass an array of ambitions, whether it’s amplifying sales figures, enlarging market share, or enhancing customer satisfaction. Segmentation as a Strategic Approach The art of comprehensive channel incentive strategies further unfolds through the segmentation of channel partners. Such a division takes into account performance levels, market focus, and untapped potential. By categorizing partners into distinct segments, businesses can meticulously tailor incentives to meet each segment’s unique needs and motivations. Diverse Incentives for Engagement Diversity is key to maintaining partner […]

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The Secrets To Why Loyalty Programs Deliver Channel Sales Results

No matter how popular or on-trend your product is, if you can’t create an incentive reward program in a cost-effective manner, then you just won’t make a good return on your investment. When your manufacturing facility is not producing the profit margins that you desire, you’ll need to seek out some options that make sense and make your channel sales partners and accountants happy. As incentive and reward management systems evolve, brands and partners are continuing to modify business models, which serves as a catalyst for the change needed to work the core programs. These marketing programs are arguably the most important factors for businesses with indirect sales channels and contribute to the overall success of localized marketing strategy. Here is why: -Rewards programs drive channel revenue. Incentivizing your channel with MDF funds based on sales performance encourages branded co-marketing engagements. The more marketing funds that are dispersed through the network, the more likely the partner is to market the brand, which in turn increases foot traffic and sales. -Compensation programs build up a focused separation for your channel program. Giving your channel guide access to brand dollars expels the biggest boundary to a section for channel showcasing.  -Reward programs […]

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How To Start A Sales Incentive Program In 2019

Are you looking to find a new way to motivate your sales force in 2019? Consider implementing a sales incentive program! No matter what industry you’re involved in, incentive programs are an effective way to drive employee engagement. Here are some tips to get you started on your new year incentive program. Engage Your Employees Make sure your employees are engaged by your incentive program. The goal of a sales incentive program is to motivate your employees to engage in desired behavior. To ensure maximum engagement, make sure your program is relevant to your employees. Consult with experts who will be able to help you choose the most effective program types and rewards for your employee demographics. Plan Ahead It is important to have a solid plan in place before you launch your incentive program. To flesh out your plan ask yourself questions like: Don’t Just Focus On The Cost Of Individual Incentives It is easy for decision-makers to focus on the individual costs of incentives and become discouraged. However, if you work with an incentive agency, you can alter the costs. Incentive agencies only pay for rewards redeemed, which reduces costs and improves incentive programs’ ROI. Use The Right […]

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Elements to Consider When Comparing Loyalty Service Providers

In today’s current landscape of diverse consumers, numerous brands and ever-evolving marketing channels, creating customer loyalty and finding the right loyalty program provider is every organization’s dream come true. Companies with a quest to achieve these goals look to All Digital Rewards when comparing loyalty service providers to help attract customers and channel partners and to keep them coming back. As the demand for omni-channel solution providers grows, marketers recognize that loyalty success is tied to differentiating between service providers who offer loyalty tools and strategies that are almost always not available internally. Not all providers can provide a complete solution, one that includes incentive and reward offerings, product APIs, secure cloud-based management and incentive payment technology; supported by advanced analytics, and the ability to scale to an enterprise level if needed. All of which may be important in your quest to acquiring loyalty and brand advocacy in today’s marketing landscape. Make sure to be on the lookout for a provider that’s evolved past providing simple points-based programs or discounts, to building one that understands relationships centered on customer value and engagement. Check to make sure the service provider you are considering can provide a packaged platform that can be […]

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Start The New Year With a Winning Wellness Program

It’s that time, setting better intentions for ourselves to get healthy. Whether it be going to the gym more or eating better, which are literally the top two resolutions the general public gravitates towards, and we’ve got the research to prove it (see the infographic below)! But let’s get to the nitty-gritty of why 2018 is the year to cultivate a winning wellness program. Source: Accelerant Research As the wellness industry continues to evolve (now grossing a whopping $6 billion), it’s becoming more transparent, and providing more information that is readily available for the general population, we can see now how important health and wellness plays in our daily lives, not only for current state of well being, but there is proven research that shows increase in work productivity/performance, less stress-more happiness, and life longevity. So many wonderful benefits and a better quality of life can be achieved with a simple health and wellness program, and the working men and women are taking notice. “More than three-quarters of job seekers say benefits are “very important” when considering a job offer, and 69% say they might choose one job over another if it offered better benefits.”-Source: Spring Buk. Which is why […]

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Top 2018 Corporate Wellness Trends

It’s that time – we are all gearing up for the new year already, getting through the holiday madness and planning for Q1. With all the busyness of the holiday season, health and wellness program participation tends to have a little bit of a decline, which is why staying up with the trends to entice your participants to get off to a good start next year is so important. When managing a successful corporate health and wellness program, it’s necessary to take ABE approach (Always Be Evolving) and work with a health and wellness incentive provider that understands services you are offering to assist them, and the appropriate incentives needed to modify the behavior to lift program uptake over last year. ABE is key to participation because they continuously need your active interest in their influencing motivation! Key considerations need to be reviewed every year to keep your workplace wellness program on track. Listed below is a handful of the top corporate wellness trends to incorporate into your program for 2018. This one’s a biggie. When presenting a more flexible work environment in exchange for program participation, you can bet that participants will be willing to engage. Offering teleworking or […]

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Incentive Management Technology – Why is it Important?

We thought so, and we’re glad you’re exploring what it takes to create, launch and manage a successful incentive program – Technology! Developing a well thought out incentive program strategy is just one aspect of creating a reward incentive program. Thinking beyond the types of the rewards offered in your program, you need to make sure you are shopping around for the right loyalty program provider and management tool to ensure your program’s transparency, performance, and ease is just as important as the selecting the right rewards to offer, maybe even more important. Bottom line, a fully custom tool that works for your program’s needs is definitely the best option to include at program launch, but sometimes the budget doesn’t allow for this option (or so we think) and you might not be exploring the best available options in today’s loyalty technology market space. But what if we told you that you could have a program management tool tailored to your specific program needs, at an affordable price? The following is what you can expect from All Digital Rewards, a leading reward management technology provider, and what you should be on the lookout for when shopping around for other providers. […]

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Participant Engagement is Key to a Successful Channel Partner Program

It may seem obvious, but participant engagement is key to a successful channel partner program, but how do you create a program that maintains motivation for the users to engage? In reference to an ongoing study from an ADR client, we just may have the solution to help you. This particular client is a leading global motor vehicle manufacturer out of South Korea. Over 1.5 million vehicles a year produced in 13 manufacturing and assembly operations in eight countries. They wanted to run a genuine accessory sales overlay promotion for their dealer partners in the US market. The promotion included sales, service, and accessory departments. The issue at hand: Their previous promotion was declining user engagement and not performing well. The leading automotive manufacturer reached out to All Digital Rewards to relaunch the program in hopes of better results. ADR had to transform their current program into a high-performing platform all without confusing and losing the important component that the participants craved – rewards. ADR needed to pour life into an outdated program, address the declined engagement, administer advanced technology that increased the sales of genuine accessories without increasing the budget, and improve participation and efficiency in reward deployment. How […]

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Successful Loyalty Program Delivers Channel Sales Results

Your channel sales team drives a significant portion of your company’s revenue. Their performance is important to you – and it’s important to make sure you have the best loyalty program to help ensure your sales team is happy and productive during the campaign. Participation by your partners is essential but can present challenges that can impact your bottom line. To avoid these problems a streamlined and well-organized loyalty and incentive and programs comes into play. As incentive and reward management systems evolve, brands and partners are continuing to modify business models which in turn drive the change which is necessary to work the core programs. These marketing programs are arguably the most important factors for businesses with indirect sales channels and contribute to the overall success of localized marketing strategy. Here is why: -Rewards programs drive channel revenue. Incentivizing your channel with MDF funds based on sales performance encourages branded co-marketing engagements. The more marketing funds that are dispersed through the network, the more likely the partner is to market the brand, which in turn increases foot traffic and sales. -Reward programs energize new products by giving channel sales turn-key access to center dollars and prompt control over how […]

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How Incentive Promotions Drive ROI in a Loyalty Program

Does your customer acquisition marketing campaign need a little boost?  Something to liven it up and add some pizzazz and excitement to your current recruitment promotion.  Or perhaps you need to notify your loyal advocates of a new product and refresh the idea of current programs into a campaign that’s been ongoing for a long period. If any of these apply to you, then you will benefit from a short-term incentive promotion marketing program and drive higher ROI. You may be asking how a short-term loyalty program works. In the Market Research world, you perhaps have a good base of research participants but have just started to notice and drop off in participation.  You discover that the rewards have become stale and redundant and panelists are in need of a nudge to engage or update profiles. The offering has not changed in months, and you are on a decline – you are losing your base!  This would be a good time when an aggressive attempt to grow the respondent base is needed but how can you acquire new customers or engage past ones?  Better yet, how can you keep the ones you already have happy and loyal? This is a […]

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