Tag: sales incentive programs

5 Powerful KPIs for Incentive Program Management

When starting an incentive program and considering your incentive program strategy, it is important to set the right key performance indicators (KPIs) so that you can effectively measure its success and make any adjustments to your incentive program management practices in the event you aren’t hitting them. Different types of incentive programs will have different KPIs. If you plan out your KPIs prior to the start of your incentive program, it will be easier to measure effectiveness and see areas for improvement. Some common KPIs can include: 1. Incentive Program Enrollment How many members of your target participants are enrolled in your incentive program? Program enrollment is an incentive program KPI worth tracking because, if you don’t have the level of participation your company projected, it may be a sign that your incentive program management strategy needs to be reexamined. Do you have the right rewards that will appeal to your participants? Are you using a delivery method or redemption site that is difficult for them to use? Would adding some excitement through sweepstakes or instant-win games improve things? 2. Sales Increases If you’re running a channel partner incentive program or other types of sales incentive programs, you will want […]

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Why your channel strategy should include introducing new incentive technology

Whether you’re starting your first channel sales incentive program, or your company has been using an incentive program for years, choosing the right technology is essential to your success. Does your current incentive management software adequately support your channel marketing strategy? Does it have enough incentives for sales team members to choose from such as gift card rewards, merchandise, and virtual rewards? How ell does it handle security issues? Is the user interface clunky or overly complicated? Are you paying too much? It may be time to consider upgrading your channel partner incentive program technology. Your incentive program channel sales management technology is the core of your incentive program. If the foundation isn’t good, the whole thing will have problems. The right choice of technology can lead to success, high ROI, and greater channel partner engagement and satisfaction. The wrong technology can turn your incentive program into a giant money pit, swallowing up your cash and productivity. When you pick the wrong incentive technology, your only return on investment will be stress. How do you pick the best technology for your organization when comparing different incentive program technology providers? There are many things you can do to make sure you’re […]

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Incentives In a Changing World

The world is changing, and with it, the way we conduct business is changing as well. Companies are seeking new methods of customer acquisition. Employee recognition ideas are a high priority. Sales incentives are becoming more common as part of channel marketing strategy. Virtual incentive options are being sought out.  You can spend thousands on advertising, but that doesn’t guarantee customer acquisition. You can experiment with both new and existing models to retain employees. You can look into new ways to increase sales from your direct channel marketing. All of these are reasonable ideas, but you could say yourself some time and money and use a strategy that works: Incentives.  As we go forward in the years to come, incentives are going to continue to be an essential part of daily operations for businesses in nearly every industry. If your company is needing a change, and you have the budget and organizational support to execute, it may be time to either start an incentive program or upgrade your existing program.  One of the biggest challenges facing businesses is choosing the right rewards and technology to manage their incentive programs. Incentive programs, whether sale incentive programs, employee recognition incentive program, customer […]

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Why You Need Virtual Incentives For Your Rewards Program

Virtual rewards are a fantastic, bordering on necessary, incentive for any rewards program. Why do virtual visa prepaid cards, digital gift card rewards, e-code redemptions, and other virtual rewards continue to dominate incentive rewards programs? Because whether they’re used for sales incentives, customer incentives, health and wellness, market research programs, or something else altogether, they meet a vital participant need: immediacy. Benefits of Virtual Incentives: Instantly issued participants Can’t be lost in the mail Easy for your participants to use No production cost Participants in your consumer incentives programs, channel partner incentive programs, or sales incentive plans all have one thing in common. None of them want to wait to be rewarded. With merchandise, bulk visa prepaid cards, or checks, your incentive program participants will have to wait, sometimes for weeks, from the time they redeem their reward to the time they receive it. Virtual gift card incentives and visa virtual cards don’t have that problem. When considering market research, consumer, or sales incentive program ideas, think about your demographics. Are virtual incentives a good fit for them? If so, look at your options. To properly offer virtual incentives for your points-based loyalty programs, sale incentive programs, customer incentive programs, […]

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How to Guarantee Successful Sales Incentive Programs

If your company relies on a network of channel partners who play an integral role in bringing your products and services to market, you need to address a number of partner management needs that are unique and diverse. You may have looked at or are already using channel partner incentive programs to help strengthen your partner relationships. Channel partner incentive vendors will tell you that there are some key steps to take to guarantee your sales incentive program’s success.  To create a successful channel sale incentive programs, you will need to choose the target of your sales program. Do you know what your goal is? Do you have a current program you are offering? Have you considered last year’s sales? Your desired growth? These are all great questions to help you determine what your objectives are for your sales incentives rewards program. If you have an existing program, identify the challenges you have faced in the past, so you won’t run into the same issues. If you’re creating new sales incentive plans, conduct research within the industry and the participant demographic to see what will work best for you and your partners.  To deliver on what you promise, you must […]

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Use Gift Cards For Channel Sales Success

How effective are gift cards in improving channel sales incentive programs participation? Gift card incentives are staples of incentive marketplaces and are highly recommended by channel partner incentive vendors. The Incentive Research Foundation’s quarterly academic review from fall 2019 reviewed the effectiveness of gift cards in incentive programs and found that Gift cards are one of the best non-cash incentive rewards offerings to use when creating an incentive program. The IRF quarterly academic review found that people tend to mentally think of gift cards as a windfall, rather than money that has to be spent on responsibilities like bills, or groceries. This makes them an incredibly appealing option for incentive program participants as they will use them to get a treat for themselves. Gift cards have all of the benefits usually associated with cash incentives. High-quality sales incentive plans will prioritize offering incentive gift cards or prepaid cards, such as a VISA virtual card, in their sales incentive offerings selection. Good channel partner incentive suppliers will offer and potentially recommend gift cards along with bulk visa prepaid cards and other cash-based incentives. Gift card incentives can encourage better workplace outcomes and positive behaviors among participants. When looking at sales incentive […]

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The Easiest Way To Motivate Your Channel Partners

Motivation is the secret sauce for success in your channel partner program. The question is, how do you cultivate the motivation your sales force needs? A recent Forbes article outlined six keys to workplace motivation: Set goals Celebrate milestones Provide feedback Empower problem-solving and learning Follow through on promises Experiment and learn Most people will agree that these are all effective ways to motivate people, but how do you put this information into practice? A sales incentive program is an excellent way to apply all six of these motivation tips. In this post, we’ll show you how your new incentive program can implement each of these elements to increase your sales force’s motivation and productivity. Sales incentive programs allow for clear goal setting for your sales force. By offering incentives to your sales force in exchange for the completion of specific tasks or goals, you will increase their motivation and give them clear objectives to work towards. For bigger goals, you can offer individual incentives such as virtual prepaid cards, branded gift card incentives, or travel incentives like cruises and vacation packages. Additionally, with the help of a points-based incentive management solution, you could also give your sales force the […]

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How to Increase Sales Through Sales Incentive Programs

It is important for businesses to understand how best to motivate their employees, increase sales, and boost morale. Sales incentive programs have consistently proven effective in influencing employees to put forth maximum marketing and increase sales ideas for their companies. With all the different options available to use with your employees, there has never been a better time to start implementing your custom-tailored program. Properly implemented, a program for employee recognition and rewards can increase sales ideas by nearly 30 percent. In the long term, this investment will bring in significant returns for your business. Although the benefits of these types of programs are obvious, it can be challenging to choose the right digital rewards platform to motivate your sales team. Consider your team’s background and interests when making your choice. Your incentive program needs to fit within your organization’s budget and not incur extra costs that would cancel out any benefits. At the same time, you need a sales incentive program that will be exciting and engaging enough to motivate your sales force, increase sales ideas, and guide them in the direction you want them to go. Though it seems like a daunting task, implementing an effective incentive program […]

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