Category: VISA® Prepaid Reward Cards

10 Benefits of Using Visa® Prepaid Cards In Your Next Incentive Program

Are you looking to improve your incentive program reward mix? Consider adding prepaid cards to your selection. Prepaid cards are a popular choice and have proven benefits. In a consumer-driven world, prepaid card options offer ease, simplicity, as well as a highly desired reward. Consider some of the benefits of offering Visa® prepaid cards. 1: Cash Equivalency Prepaid cards are viewed as cash equivalents by consumers. Cash and cash equivalents are popular choices for consumers. By offering prepaid cards, you stand to improve engagement in your incentive program dramatically.   2: Range of Options Prepaid cards can include card rewards for specific brands or stores, visa prepaid card rewards, virtual prepaid cards, and more! You can also order either batch prepaid cards or bulk prepaid cards. 3: Instant Gratification With prepaid cards, especially digital prepaid cards, your participants can be rewarded instantly! 4: Ease of Use Nearly everyone is familiar with how to use prepaid cards. With visa prepaid card rewards – physical or digital, your incentive program participants can use their cards anywhere visa is accepted. This can be particularly helpful if you are operating a global incentive program. 5: Customizable Branding With the right prepaid card provider and […]

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Gamification and Your Panel Incentive Programs

Incentives are an essential part of market research programs. Sweepstakes and instant win game applications have long been a popular feature in every type of incentive programs and it’s not difficult to understand why they’re so popular. Game-based promotions can be easily integrated into your market research incentive program. When conducting a sweepstake or other game-based promotions, working with instant win game providers and sweepstakes technology companies that understand your needs for a panel program can save you a lot of hassle. There are so many elements involved in your average sweepstake promotion. Insurance, bonding, rule creation, legal review, winner validation, tax reporting, and prize delivery are just some of the required pieces for your average panel sweepstake promotion. With instant win game software and a reward program management company experienced in instant win and sweepstakes administration, you’ll be setting yourself up for a smooth experience. It doesn’t hurt to have your reward management partner also understand the unique concerns of a market research program! The panel program incentives rewards that you pick for your game or sweepstake promotion should be varied and popular with your panelists. Each incentive program participant will have their own individual preferences, but there are […]

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Gamification and Your Incentive Programs

Sweepstakes and instant win game applications have long been a popular feature in incentive programs, and it’s easy to see why. Game-based promotions can be easily integrated into the best sales incentive plans, loyalty program platforms, rebate management systems, customer acquisition programs, and more.  When conducting a sweepstake or other game-based promotions, working with instant win game providers and sweepstakes technology companies can save you a lot of hassle. There are a lot of moving parts to your average sweepstake promotion. Rule creation, legal review, insurance, bonding, winner validation, tax reporting, and prize delivery are just a few of the required concerns for your average sweepstake promotion. With instant win game software and a reward program management company experienced in instant win and sweepstakes administration, you’ll be setting yourself up for a smooth experience. The program incentives rewards that you pick for your game promotion should be versatile and crowd-pleasing. Each incentive program participant will have their own personal preferences, but there are some reward types that remain nearly universal. Cash-based rewards, which include checks, gift cards, and visa prepaid card rewards, are some of the most popular rewards among participants. Visa virtual and physical prepaid cards are the most […]

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Increase Loyalty Program ROI With Visa® Prepaid Cards

Businesses are continually seeking to find effective ways to acquire and keep customers. Both customer loyalty and acquisition are top goals for companies across the globe. A customer loyalty incentive program can help you meet both goals. Customer incentive programs create loyal brand advocates among your current clients and entice new customers to turn to you. How do you make sure your customers are engaging with your brand, and you are getting a solid return on your incentive program investment? One sure way is to make sure you consistently update your customer incentive programs and let your loyalty program shine.  This can be done by simply updating your reward mix by adding new rewards or features. Customer incentive programs upgrades can include things like sweepstakes, points-based incentives, instant win games, or point of sale incentives. Each program should be tailored and branded for your company for maximum effectiveness, and rewards should be carefully selected to fit your consumers’ tastes and needs. With the right customer acquisition programs, customer incentive programs, loyalty rewards management technology,  loyalty program platform, and excellent rewards incentives, you can increase your loyalty program ROI.  Reward and prize incentive companies will tell you that some of the […]

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Benefits of VISA Prepaid Cards Rewards

  Rewards and incentives programs have proven to be invaluable to companies and organizations around the globe. In the case of customer incentives programs, they can increase consumer visits, spending, and advocacy. With employees, reward incentive programs can encourage employee engagement, increase productivity and improve morale. These are just a few of the many types of rewards and incentive programs that are available. When choosing your rewards for your organization’s incentive program, Visa® Prepaid Card Rewards are a popular reward choice for many different rewards and incentive programs. There are a variety of different benefits to Visa® Prepaid cards that can make them an attractive option, both for companies and consumers. All Digital Rewards has partnered with Visa® to create a comprehensive, customizable, quality prepaid card offering, along with a reward management system capable of meeting your company’s needs. Visa® prepaid cards can be used as rewards for several different programs such as a sale incentive program, customer incentives, and health and wellness rewards programs, to name a few. Participants can use the Visa® Prepaid Card Rewards for point-of-sale or online purchases. Rewards can be loaded onto these cards as they are earned or given to program participants, allowing your […]

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Live Well Reward ™ Card – Health Reward Card backed by VISA

Health and wellness incentive programs have been proven to be an effective way to create a healthier, more productive workplace. One of the most popular ways to reward health and wellness program participants are with Health Benefit Cards ie. prepaid rewards cards. These cards are popular because of their ease of use, perceived value, and universal acceptance. Additionally, health and wellness incentive programs that use prepaid cards for their rewards show high levels of engagement amongst participants. A quality health and wellness incentive rewards program management company can create fully customized and branded rewards cards for your company’s health and wellness incentive program. At All Digital Rewards, we recognize and appreciate your commitment to improving your participant’s health and wellness. With our Live Well Reward ™ card you can go beyond traditional health reward cards. Live Well Reward ™ cards allow you to reward your health and wellness program participants as they complete program objectives, such as check-ups, screenings, or wellness visits. Each time participants complete their objectives, cash will be added to their Live Well Reward ™ card, which they can then spend like using a debit card. We partner with Visa® to offer a wide variety of prepaid […]

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General Purpose Prepaid Card vs. Loyalty Reward Card: What’s the Difference?

There is an extensive offering of prepaid cards out on the market today, some of which have been evolving over the years, and some completely new to the scene. It’s important for you to determine which type of prepaid card you are looking for; General Reloadable Prepaid Cards, Rebate Prepaid Cards, Open/Closed Loop Prepaid Cards, Loyalty Reward Prepaid Card, and the list goes on and on! Working with a knowledgeable prepaid card provider can help navigate misinformation and help you determine what prepaid cards will work with your incentive program needs.  But, in the interim in this post, we will break down two types of cards from the above list and help you determine what the differences are, and which one you should be leaning towards for your company’s next loyalty incentive program. General Reloadable Prepaid Cards General Reloadable Prepaid Cards are probably one of the most common prepaid cards out on the market today. They are easy for the average consumer to use and can be used virtually anywhere. These prepaid cards act as a debit card, but funds are preloaded onto the card prior to use and can be reloaded with currency at any time, making them very […]

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Include a Prepaid Reward Card as the Incentive When Creating an Award-Winning Consumer Promotion

Consumer sales promotions are a great way to entice consumers to purchase a product – does your incentive reward provider offer Prepaid Rewards Cards?  Did you know that prepaid Rewards Cards are known to be one of the top preferred reward types for consumer incentive programs? There are lots of reasons why consumers love prepaid cards and a quality prepaid reward card provider can help take your next consumer promotion to award-winning levels! But what are the real benefits of using VISA prepaid incentive reward card in you consumer promotions? The main benefit of a Prepaid Card is that the branding of the card can mirror your company. Why is this such an important factor as a business? It’s simple! This is a fantastic brand awareness tool and also encourages your consumers to keep coming back for more! While Prepaid Cards may be a great option for your Loyalty Program, there are several important details to consider, for example: These cards are super simple to become accustomed to, but it’s important that the cards are loaded and ready to activate the second your customer opens it. People want instant gratification. This also ensures that the customer will not have to deal […]

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A Rewarding Experience – The Building Blocks of a Successful Panel Loyalty Program

Panel loyalty programs increase research firm’s panelist retention, survey frequency, and panelist acquisition programs, making them foundational in increasing your research firm’s profitability and revenue. An effective panel incentive program can build brand advocacy and increase the lifetime value of the panelists. The four basic building blocks when creating an effective panel loyalty program strategy include objectives, gaining program support, rewarding participants and measuring the program. There are a few steps you must take when creating your panel loyalty program. When preparing for a panel incentive initiative, panel managers often face roadblocks in the approval phase of their proposal. Be prepared to show upper management that you have a sound business case, including measurable and accurate metrics. Loyalty incentive programs have proven vital in cultivating and rewarding repeat panelists. You must ensure your loyalty program will be valuable to your key stakeholders. With a strong plan in place with clear financial objectives, management is more likely to understand the benefits of your program and see that it warrants their support. When in the program design phase, take the following steps: There are several types of incentives to select from, including: Pick incentives that fit your budget and will motivate your […]

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Start The New Year With a Winning Wellness Program

It’s that time, setting better intentions for ourselves to get healthy. Whether it be going to the gym more or eating better, which are literally the top two resolutions the general public gravitates towards, and we’ve got the research to prove it (see the infographic below)! But let’s get to the nitty-gritty of why 2018 is the year to cultivate a winning wellness program. Source: Accelerant Research As the wellness industry continues to evolve (now grossing a whopping $6 billion), it’s becoming more transparent, and providing more information that is readily available for the general population, we can see now how important health and wellness plays in our daily lives, not only for current state of well being, but there is proven research that shows increase in work productivity/performance, less stress-more happiness, and life longevity. So many wonderful benefits and a better quality of life can be achieved with a simple health and wellness program, and the working men and women are taking notice. “More than three-quarters of job seekers say benefits are “very important” when considering a job offer, and 69% say they might choose one job over another if it offered better benefits.”-Source: Spring Buk. Which is why […]

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