Sweepstakes and instant win game applications have long been a popular feature in incentive programs, and it’s easy to see why. Game-based promotions can be easily integrated into the best sales incentive plans, loyalty program platforms, rebate management systems, customer acquisition programs, and more. When conducting a sweepstake or other game-based promotions, working with instant win game providers and sweepstakes technology companies can save you a lot of hassle. There are a lot of moving parts to your average sweepstake promotion. Rule creation, legal review, insurance, bonding, winner validation, tax reporting, and prize delivery are just a few of the required concerns for your average sweepstake promotion. With instant win game software and a reward program management company experienced in instant win and sweepstakes administration, you’ll be setting yourself up for a smooth experience. The program incentives rewards that you pick for your game promotion should be versatile and crowd-pleasing. Each incentive program participant will have their own personal preferences, but there are some reward types that remain nearly universal. Cash-based rewards, which include checks, gift cards, and visa prepaid card rewards, are some of the most popular rewards among participants. Visa virtual and physical prepaid cards are the most […]
Tag: Sales Incentive
Best sales incentive plans Rewards 2020
How do you go about executing super engaging sales incentive plans? By choosing the right rewards! There are several components to getting the best sales incentive plans rewards. You need to find out what rewards will motivate your sales force, you should have the right reward program technology, and work with channel partner incentive vendors. In order to help motivate and inspire your sales incentive program participants and encourage them to succeed, the incentive rewards offered should have high perceived value and be tailored to your participants’ demographics. Some of the most popular choices include gift cards, prepaid cards, and incorporating sweepstakes and instant win games. Gift card rewards’ benefits are well-known. Gift cards are often a superior choice for budget-conscious participants, as they allow them to use their gift card rewards for things they might not normally spend their money on. The gift cards your sales force members earn from your rewards programs can be redeemed at thousands of online and in-store retailers. Additionally, the perceived value of those gift card rewards is often even higher than the perceived value of cash rewards. A consumer’s use of gift cards may encourage them to buy things to spoil themselves — […]
2020 Incentive Program Trends
All Digital Rewards is committed to providing you with a dynamic, and engaging program that will meet your company’s goals. For more information on how All Digital Reward can help you with your 2020 incentive program call 866-415-7703 now or click on the button below to schedule a demo. It’s the New Year, and it’s time for your company to consider how you will move your business forward in 2020. You are out there looking at all the new tools available to you and finding all the best solutions to meet your business’s most significant challenges and upgrade your incentive programs. There are a lot of changes coming in 2020 and many trends to look forward to and plan for. Here are some of the top incentive and reward program trends for 2020. Whether for customer incentive programs, channel sales incentive plans, market research incentives, or anything else. Digital rewards are a trend that keeps going. Digital rewards can include electronic gift card incentives for top-rated brands (Target, Landry’s, Walmart, Sephora, Amazon, Best Buy, etc.), virtual visa prepaid cards, audiobooks or video service subscriptions or credits (Fandango, audible, etc.) and so much more. Digital rewards can be used quickly and […]
Use Gift Cards For Channel Sales Success
How effective are gift cards in improving channel sales incentive programs participation? Gift card incentives are staples of incentive marketplaces and are highly recommended by channel partner incentive vendors. The Incentive Research Foundation’s quarterly academic review from fall 2019 reviewed the effectiveness of gift cards in incentive programs and found that Gift cards are one of the best non-cash incentive rewards offerings to use when creating an incentive program. The IRF quarterly academic review found that people tend to mentally think of gift cards as a windfall, rather than money that has to be spent on responsibilities like bills, or groceries. This makes them an incredibly appealing option for incentive program participants as they will use them to get a treat for themselves. Gift cards have all of the benefits usually associated with cash incentives. High-quality sales incentive plans will prioritize offering incentive gift cards or prepaid cards, such as a VISA virtual card, in their sales incentive offerings selection. Good channel partner incentive suppliers will offer and potentially recommend gift cards along with bulk visa prepaid cards and other cash-based incentives. Gift card incentives can encourage better workplace outcomes and positive behaviors among participants. When looking at sales incentive […]
How To Massively Increase Your Channel Sales Program’s Success
Whether you have the best or the worst Channel sales partners, a rewards program can go a long way to improving your participants’ and partners’ performance. Good Channel sales incentive plans will be cost-effective, enticing to your participants, have the right reward offerings, and give you a quality return on investment. When you are are looking at Channel sales incentive program ideas, it is essential to consider what sort of incentives you plan to work with. Gift card incentives, for example, are very popular forms of both physical and virtual incentives, prepaid Visa virtual and physical rewards are another excellent option, as are experiential rewards and merchandise. The rewards you use will be best if selected and explicitly tailored to your program, taking into account the interests of your participants’ demographics and your budgetary constraints. Ideally, to ensure a seamless reward experience, both for you and your participants, you should work with channel partner incentive vendors and reward management applications. Channel partner incentive companies know how important it is to have the right incentive rewards and technology to support your channel partner incentive program. Additionally, your channel sales technology provider may also recommend a variety of different ways to reward […]
Why Your Next Incentive Program Needs Virtual Rewards
The best sales incentive plans, rebate incentives, customer incentive programs, and health and wellness incentive programs will almost always offer some form of virtual rewards. An important consideration is the time-frame of a virtual reward. A virtual prize is an incentive reward that is awarded immediately as a reward for an action or an event undertaken by a participant and then delivered via a digital medium. Virtual rewards allow for instant gratification, which can increase the feelings of satisfaction from your participants. The effectiveness of your digital or virtual incentives depends on the nature of the virtual reward and how valuable it is perceived to be by participants. Virtual rewards come in many forms; some of the most common are: Virtual gift card rewards, visa virtual cards, instant win games, and sweepstakes entries. Virtual incentive rewards such as virtual visa prepaid card rewards. These are a solid choice for incentives as they are viewed as a cash equivalent by incentive program participants. Gift cards have many of the same benefits and are often viewed as a windfall, which allows them to spoil themselves instead of having to be responsible with their spending. Primary Benefits of Virtual Incentives: Sweepstakes and instant […]
Plan For The Best Sales Incentive Program
The best sales incentive plans are simple, flexible, easy to administer, easy to monitor and improve, have low overhead costs, and bring about measurable results. Most companies use their sales incentive plans as a way to reward their sales force for their efforts on behalf of the company. The sales incentive plan should help promote loyalty to the company and increase participant performance. If your sales incentive program does not meet these criteria, it is a sign that you need to review your sales incentive plan and consider making changes. In order to help motivate and inspire your sales incentive program participants and encourage them to succeed, the incentives offered should have high perceived value and be tailored to your participants’ demographics. Some of the most popular choices include gift cards and incorporating sweepstakes and instant win games. The benefits of gift card rewards are well-known to most companies. Gift cards are great for budget-conscious participants, allowing them to use their gift card rewards for things they might not normally spend their cash on. The gift cards earned from these types of rewards programs can be redeemed at thousands of online and in-store retailers. Additionally, the perceived value of those […]
Software & Solutions To Transform Your Channel Sales Incentive Program
The best sales incentive plans have the best software and technology backing them up. Successful channel partner programs prize incentive companies for the support and resources their software brings to the table. No matter whether you’re setting up new sale incentive programs, revamping existing sales incentive plans, or just looking for sales incentive program ideas, you need to talk to the experts at All Digital Rewards. We know how important the right technology is to support a strong channel sales incentives program. We support a wide range of channel sales partnership programs including: Your alliance partners who share customers with your business enjoy the perks that incentives, rewards, and engagement bring. Motivated alliance partners will increase brand awareness and sales revenue. We know how to navigate the nuances of your alliance partnership rewards program. Your trusted referral partnerships that send qualified customers to your business want to feel engaged and appreciated. Regardless of if you are using a strategic alliance program, direct to individuals program, or partner network program, we have incentive software solutions that will take your referral partnership incentive program to the next level. Reseller partner incentive programs come with their own unique elements. With the right incentive […]
Learn This Secret To Measure Your Channel Sales Program’s Success
Records, paperwork, spreadsheets, forms…In a word: Data. The secret to measuring your success is data. If you want to dominate your channel sales and crush the competition, you need the right data to build out the metrics for your program. Once you have the metrics, you can easily identify your program’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The question is, what metrics do you need for your channel sales program? First thing’s first. You should divide your metrics up into categories: Channel sales recruitment, success, profitability, and training & support. Here is the channel sales data you need for each category: Now that you have your data, you can compare it to your goals for your program and see where you are doing well and where you can stand to improve. If your program has multiple areas where it needs to improve, consider making some changes to your channel sales incentive program. Implementing a channel sales incentive program, revising your current channel sales incentive program, or adding new program management technology can give your metrics the boost they need for you to achieve your channel sales goals. All Digital Rewards is a leading loyalty engagement company, serving as a trusted partner […]
The Keys To A Successful Channel Sales Incentive Program
An essential aspect of the process to generate sales, customers, and new leads is to engage and entice your partner sales down-line about your products and services. Channel sales incentive programs help to motivate your sales teams to do their best work. Channel sales incentive initiative are cost-effective, easy and an incredible way to boost profitability. The more you engage your partners, the deeper your partner loyalty will go. Three key steps should be taken to create a fantastic channel sales incentive program. These will help you face the challenges common to all marketers during the program-creating process. By implementing these elements, your channel sales incentive program will be off to a good start! 1: Strategy Create a strategy for your channel sales incentive program. First, identify and examine your target. What are your program goals? What programs, if any, are currently offered. Consider previous years’ sales and your desired growth. These are some basic questions that will help you determine what your program’s objectives are. 2: Research Research is the next step for your channel sales incentive program. If there is an existing program, you should identify any challenges associated with that program in order to avoid or mitigate […]