Tag: Rebate processing

7 Common Causes of Rebate Prepaid Card Program Failures

Rebate prepaid card programs are always a popular choice. Because they are both effective and popular, many industries try to set up these programs for their customer incentives. However, it can be a struggle for companies because they can easily make major errors that cause their card and reward programs to be inefficient and frustrating to customers. Take the example of a mail-in rebate of $40 on a $50 video game. Only $10 for the newest edition and you think to yourself, “I need that.” So you buy the game and mail in the rebate as quickly as you can. Months go by and you don’t receive your rebate check. You write letters and make calls, but no luck. There could be a thousand possible reasons the company didn’t send that check, but they’ve lost you as a customer. This is just one of many examples of a failed rebate program. To help you out, we’ve put together 7 of the most common reasons your rebate program can fail.  There are many different strategies to begin a prepaid card rebate program.  Is your system manual or automated? Is your only reason to use rebates for the breakage or slippage? Rebates […]

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How To Make Your Product Stand Out With Rebate Processing

Rebate sales promotions are commonly known as marketing tactics of the past. However, in the last year, rebates have made a comeback. Drawing in customers and helping them save money through digital rebates and giving back virtually in future credit or other types of savings incentives. Not only is it a detailed process for your customers, but also for your employees. Many people think that rebates are costly with training and for payment processing, but they can be highly prosperous for you and your company. Follow this guide for the top 5 trends coming your way for 2016 year. Rebates are one of the oldest tricks in the marketing books. Therefore, there are already guidelines for typical rebate campaigns. Do your research before beginning your rebate processing promotions and don’t rewrite the rules. When dealing with customers, be sure to use clear instructions. Make it easier for your consumers, and do not throw them for a loop. You will find much of your information in the federal trade commission guidelines. However, you need to be timely when returning the rebate. 30 days is recommended by the commission, however, with this digital day and age, 30 days is too long. Remember, […]

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Are You Embarrassed By Your E-Gift Code Rewards? We can help

Incentive programs drive customer behaviors and ultimately drive your sales revenue. Incentive programs are not what they used to be. Instead of coupons and extra savings when you purchase in-store, prepaid cards and gift codes offered online are bringing in customers to purchase more than they ever have in the past. Millennials are digital entrepreneurs and use technology to build their brand identities. The millennial generation is projected to have $18 Trillion in spending money by 2018. Online business is booming and is only going to grow from here. Buying online is easier to redeem and compare thousands of products in minimal time with only minimal effort on the consumer’s end. Prepaid and physical gift cards effectively attract customers to products and brands. However, could we possibly go to only e-gift codes with the millennials? Electronic gift cards, also known as e-gift cards, digital gift cards, mobile gift cards, and virtual gift cards, all refer to gift codes that are delivered using technology like email, SMS text, social media and smartphone apps. Physical prepaid cards are just that. Prepaid cards are the actual hard debit or credit cards you can swipe in-store. Read on for more differences and better qualities […]

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Remarkable Advice: The Lazy Guide To an API-Plug In Promotion

Pre-paid card promotions are the top alternative payment option of 2016. A quarter of Americans and a third of millennials have used a prepaid card, according to an April 2015 survey by TD Bank. An application programming interface(API) are routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. An API expresses a software component in terms of its operations, inputs, outputs, and underlying types. So, how do we link these two concepts to develop customer engagement and get you more leads? Read on for the answers and share this article with your colleagues. First, let’s talk a bit about prepaid debit cards, how to intertwine those with incentive promotions, and lastly, how to link rebate processing into the mix. Prepaid debit cards are a new way to manage money. Users are able to load their cards with money they already have instead of putting it on personal credit, which only fosters debt. Now, prepaid cards are simple tools, but they are also great offers for enticing consumers to use your business. Let’s think of JCPenny’s, this company offers an instant discount for using their card and even bigger savings when you sign up for a card in-store. The key to their […]

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