Category: rebate processing

7 Common Causes of Rebate Prepaid Card Program Failures

Rebate prepaid card programs are always a popular choice. Because they are both effective and popular, many industries try to set up these programs for their customer incentives. However, it can be a struggle for companies because they can easily make major errors that cause their card and reward programs to be inefficient and frustrating to customers. Take the example of a mail-in rebate of $40 on a $50 video game. Only $10 for the newest edition and you think to yourself, “I need that.” So you buy the game and mail in the rebate as quickly as you can. Months go by and you don’t receive your rebate check. You write letters and make calls, but no luck. There could be a thousand possible reasons the company didn’t send that check, but they’ve lost you as a customer. This is just one of many examples of a failed rebate program. To help you out, we’ve put together 7 of the most common reasons your rebate program can fail.  There are many different strategies to begin a prepaid card rebate program.  Is your system manual or automated? Is your only reason to use rebates for the breakage or slippage? Rebates […]

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Factors Of Profitable Rebate Programs

Rebates were once believed to be outdated marketing tactics, but technology and clever consumers, have kept rebates popular. Rebates are a fantastic way of drawing in customers and affords them with a helpful way to save money through future credits, digital rebates, and different types of savings incentives. The problem is, with the incorrect technology in place, rebate redemption is an elaborate process for your customers, and also for your employees. However, with the right implementation, technology, and support, rebates can be a tremendously advantageous marketing tactic. Here are some factors that contribute to profitable rebate programs. Rebate Management System TechnologyOnce, absolutely everyone had to use snail mail to redeem rebates, but that’s no longer the case. Now, thanks to rebate management system technology available through rebate promotion providers, rebate redemption can be completed online quite painlessly. Additionally, your company can leverage social media to have your clients share about your rebates on their various social networks! Experimenting with styles, unique techniques, and software program will assist your company in building a brand that no one can forget. Online Rebate ProcessingOnline redemption is known for being quicker and easier for your rebate program participants to access. Having your rebates and […]

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How To Make Your Product Stand Out With Rebate Processing

Rebate sales promotions are commonly known as marketing tactics of the past. However, in the last year, rebates have made a comeback. Drawing in customers and helping them save money through digital rebates and giving back virtually in future credit or other types of savings incentives. Not only is it a detailed process for your customers, but also for your employees. Many people think that rebates are costly with training and for payment processing, but they can be highly prosperous for you and your company. Follow this guide for the top 5 trends coming your way for 2016 year. Rebates are one of the oldest tricks in the marketing books. Therefore, there are already guidelines for typical rebate campaigns. Do your research before beginning your rebate processing promotions and don’t rewrite the rules. When dealing with customers, be sure to use clear instructions. Make it easier for your consumers, and do not throw them for a loop. You will find much of your information in the federal trade commission guidelines. However, you need to be timely when returning the rebate. 30 days is recommended by the commission, however, with this digital day and age, 30 days is too long. Remember, […]

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Top 7 Reasons Your Prepaid Card Rebate Program is Weird

Prepaid card rebate programs are hot right now. Multiple industries are trying to set this program up for customer incentives because it actually works! However, companies are struggling because they are making crucial errors that make their card and reward inefficient and, frankly, a pain in their customer’s butts. Imagine a mail-in rebate of $50 on a $40 video game. Only $10 for the newest edition, and you think to yourself, “I need that.” So you write out a check and mail it in as quickly as you can. You mail it in and patiently wait. Months go by, you don’t receive your check, you’ve written those angry letters, but no luck. There could be hundreds of reasons the company didn’t send that check. But you’ll be sure to never do business with them again. Read on for 7 reasons why your prepaid card rebate program is failing. There are many different strategies to begin a prepaid card rebate program.  Is your system manual or automated? Is your only reason to use rebates for the breakage or slippage? Rebates are an awesome way to generate new leads and sales, but the start-up cost of the soon-to-be-discounted price and the cost […]

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