Category: Health and Wellness

Trends in Wellness and Travel For Incentive Programs

Health and wellness is at the top of mind for many people these days, including incentive program managers. The Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) recently released a report going over some of the current trends in health and wellness, as it pertains to travel incentives. Their report focused on meetings in particular, but their findings apply to health and travel incentives on a far broader scale.  Travel incentives are a common type of experiential reward. In the past, experiential rewards have been very popular among incentive program participants, but since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, these incentives present some unique challenges.  Participants want to know that they can enjoy their travel incentive without risking their health. The IRF found that answers to the following concerns were very important to communicate to participants.  People may have different responses to the answers to these questions, but as a program manager, your main concern is to make sure the answers are available to your participants.  Another trend observed by the IRF was a stronger focus on mental health. People are recognizing the toll the last year has had on people’s mental health and many businesses are taking notice. Health and wellness incentive programs […]

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Top Employee Health and Wellness Trends 2020-2021

Health and wellness is more important to people than ever before and companies are taking notice. A recent report from Shortlister reviewed the top employee wellness trends for the last few years. The categories they reviewed include: The majority of businesses surveyed said that wellness is one of their business objectives. In 2020, 97% of businesses surveyed said wellness prioritization is an equal or greater priority to them than the year before.  31% of businesses surveyed said that they were prioritizing Implementing a wellness program via a third-party vendor more in 2020 than in 2019.  51% of companies surveyed showed a greater interest in implementing points-based wellness programs. Follow the issues presented by the pandemic, many companies have changed their prioritization of various wellness issues. Here is a breakdown of those changes for 2021: If you are interested in improving or starting an employee wellness program, contact our team at All Digital Rewards. When you want to be the best, work with the best. We know you need an incentive program that is not a one-size-fits-all box solution. Our SaaS Platform will simplify every kind of health and wellness overlay promotion and give you peace of mind that your program […]

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How to Overcome Employee Resistance to Your Health and Wellness Program

Employee health and wellness rewards programs are incredibly popular. The majority of businesses have some sort of wellness program for their employees. However, in many cases, there may be some resistance to your wellness rewards program from your employees. Here are some common reasons employees may resist your health program and what you can do to overcome their issues.  Issue 1: Exhaustion. It is common for employees to feel tired, stressed, and exhausted both mentally and physically. As a result, the self-care necessary to maintain health and wellness is often overlooked. An employee wellness program may feel like the company is trying to take away valuable employee free time just so the company can save money on health care costs,  Solution: Avoid mentioning the benefits the company will reap and focus on the benefits your employees will enjoy from a healthier lifestyle. Issue 2: Upper management doesn’t participate in the health program. This can cause employees to follow management’s example.  Solution: Lead by example. Make sure it is impressed on your managers that health and wellness is a priority for the entire company, not just lower-level staff. Consider providing incentives that are tailored to your managers as well as employees […]

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Comparing Health Incentive Program Technology Providers

Health and wellness incentive programs are an important part of many companies’ wellness strategies. An incentive program is highly indicative of your workplace health and wellness program’s success. A good health and wellness program can decrease healthcare costs, improve employee morale, and bring a strong return on investment. Despite the many benefits of a health and wellness incentive program, when planning an incentive program, many organizations are concerned about the administrative burden of overseeing the many parts of a successful health and wellness incentive program. Incentive programs require so much more than just reward fulfillment. A health incentive program will need to be managed, goal completion has to be tracked, a redemption system has to be in place, health laws must be complied with, and data has to be examined to check the effectiveness of the program. This can leave companies wondering how to handle health and wellness incentive programs and deal with rewards management. The good news is, incentive management system technology is available to help make your health and wellness incentive programs perform effectively. Deploying new incentive reward technology can increase program effectiveness and take the stress out of program management. With the right health and wellness incentive […]

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Health and Wellness Program Management Software and Technology Comparisons

When one thinks about corporate health and wellness programs, prepaid cards may not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, it is not uncommon for companies with health and wellness rewards programs to offer prepaid cards, usually delivered through a points-based system in which participants can receive points in exchange for health program-related behaviors. These points serve as a form of online currency that can be redeemed for prepaid cards, digital rewards, gift cards, experiential rewards, and merchandise, usually after a specific predetermined behavioral objective has been performed. When researching and comparing health and wellness program technologies, it is easy to see that this market is rapidly changing. By comparing what different companies are offering, you can narrow your choices to know what is the best fit for your program. The process begins with understanding the intricacies of the methodology used in the health and wellness program software. An example could be considering if it is better to have a pin for a virtual prepaid debit card or a physical prepaid reward card? Do you know what the software being used is and how it can be implemented into your current system? Alternatively, should you start with a […]

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Software & Solutions To Transform Your health and wellness Incentive Program

The best health incentive plans have the best software and technology backing them up. Successful health and wellness programs prize incentive companies for the support and resources their software brings to the table. No matter whether you’re setting up new sale incentive programs, revamping existing health incentive plans, or just looking for health incentive program ideas, you need to talk to the experts at All Digital Rewards. We know how important the right technology is to support a strong health and wellness incentives program. We support a wide range of health and wellness programs including: Type 1: General Educational or Participatory and not Health Plan-Related Type 2: Health Plan-Related Participatory Programs Type 3: Health Plan-Related Activity-Only Programs Type 4: Health Plan-Related Outcome-Based Programs  Your health and wellness program participants enjoy the perks that incentives, rewards, and engagement bring. Your health and wellness program participants want to feel engaged and appreciated. Regardless of if you are using a type 1, 2, 3, or 4 health and wellness program, we have incentive software solutions that will take your health and wellness program to the next level. Health and wellness programs come with their own unique elements. With the right incentive technology solutions, […]

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How To Increase Health and Wellness Program Participation With The Right Rewards and Incentives

The impact a health and wellness employee incentive program has on staff performance and overall health is astronomical! At insurance company Aflac, 61% of employees agree that they’ve made healthier lifestyle choices because of their company’s wellness program. 91% of staff at companies that have programs supporting health and wellness efforts say they feel motivated to do their best. In the last year, health and wellness has been shown to be more important than ever, which comes with even more pressure to make sure these programs are successful. A key thing influencing the success of wellness programs is the reward selections being offered in the health and wellness incentive program. The question is, how do you know which incentives and rewards will drive healthier outcomes and better participation? We’ve compiled a few important elements you need to know when choosing incentives and rewards for your health and wellness program: The first key is to know your audience. A huge factor to consider when crafting or maintaining a wellness program for a company and employees is what demographics make up your workforce. Knowing this information will help you and your reward provider choose products that will engage participants and increase healthier […]

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4 Key Laws When Structuring Health and Wellness Programs

Health and wellness incentive programs have major benefits both for employees’ health and in reducing companies’ spending on health care. More and more companies are implementing health and wellness incentive programs every day. When considering the legality surrounding health and wellness incentive programs there are several laws that must be taken into consideration. Here are four examples of some of those laws. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) was signed into law in 1967 by President Lyndon B. Johnson. ADEA forbids age-based discrimination against employees and applicants with respect to benefits. As a result of ADEA’s protections, if a wellness program decreases rewards, terminates, or in any other way discriminates against employees who are over 40, the program could be found to be in violation of ADEA. The 2008 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) is an Act of Congress that prohibits employers from discriminating against their employees in regard to compensation, conditions, terms, or privileges of employment on the basis of  “genetic information”. GINA’s prohibitions include: An employer must maintain all genetic information as confidential medical records. An employer may not require, request, or purchase genetic information.   Any disclosure of genetic information must be subject to strict limits. The […]

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Incentivize Health And Wellness For Your Employees

Many companies think that providing sick leave and health insurance is the end all be all of taking care of employee health, but there’s so much more that can be done. Creating a company health and wellness program is a fantastic way to improve employee health, but it can also raise company morale, work performance, and lower healthcare costs. When you strategically organize and implement a health and wellness plan, it can improve health, increase your sales, reduce employee absences, and lower workers’ comp/disability costs. Today, more than ever it is important to take workplace health seriously.  To be effective, a health and wellness program requires high levels of employee participation. The secret to increasing health and wellness program participation is to include incentives. Not just any incentives will do. You need to choose the right incentives for your demographics at the right price point.  Health and wellness program incentives reward suppliers can provide your company with batch and bulk visa prepaid cards, merchandise, experiential rewards, eGift cards, and other digital incentives to incentivize healthy behavior among your employees. Digital reward vendors, like All Digital Rewards, have the rewards incentives programs need and will be able to select rewards that […]

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Health and Wellness Incentive Plans: Key Laws to Consider

Health and wellness incentive programs have a number of major benefits both to employees health and to companies’ spending on health care. More and more companies are implementing health and wellness incentive programs every day. When implementing a health and wellness incentive program there are several key laws to consider: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) into law in 2010. PPACA is a federal statute and health care reform legislation. When you are planning your company’s health and wellness incentive program, it is important to consider how it will affect employees’ deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, or coverage for any of the services listed in the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). If your program causes them to vary in any way, that treatment scenario’s calculations must make the assumption that the individual is participating in the wellness program and it will be necessary to include additional language in the SBC. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967. ADEA forbids employers from engaging in age-based discrimination against employees and job applicants with […]

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Reward Incentives That Increase Health and Wellness Program Participation

The impact a health and wellness employee incentive program has on staff performance and overall health is astronomical! So much so that 61% of employees agree that they’ve made healthier lifestyle choices because of their company’s wellness program-Aflac, and a whopping 91% of staff at companies that support well-being efforts say they feel motivated to do their best. –American Psychological Association. A key contributor influencing the outcome of these statistics is the reward selections being offered in the health and wellness incentive program. So how do you know which incentives and rewards will drive better participation and healthier outcomes? Below are three important factors to keep in mind when bringing incentives and rewards into your health and wellness program: Incentive rewards are an essential component when running a successful health and wellness program. They play a vital role in combating declining workforce satisfaction trends. In 1987 a U.S. employee satisfaction rate was 61%, in 2010 a mere 45% were satisfied with their job. Today, 61% of the U.S. population state that they are burned out on their job. –CareerBuilder Don’t let these unfavorable satisfaction statistics affect your next health and wellness program initiative. Creating a successful health and wellness program […]

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