Tag: social networking

How To Make Your Product Stand Out With Gamification

Gamification is taking off in the digital world. Gamification is an online marketing technique that takes qualities of games (point scoring, competition, rules of play) and applies them to a company’s product or service. By gamifying your company, you are creating content for your audience to engage in by earning points, unlocking levels, or showing progress bars. 90% of Americans own a mobile device, 67% are on social networks, and 52% play games on their mobile device, computer, and or tablet. Consumers are always online, accessible any time, any way (phone, computer, tablet), and anywhere. With the help of social networking sites, it is easier than ever to share messages with a mass audience. Games are an effective way to engage your audience because it focuses their minds to a task in front of them. Gamification taps into the natural human desires of status, achievement, and competition. A recent example of gamification is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. This challenge used the truth or dare tactic, you either uploaded a video dumping a bucket of ice on your head, or you donated to the charity. Because the benefits were going to a cause, a social stigma arose if nominated participants […]

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