Tag: retail gift cards

Introducing the Ezepic™ Rewards Program

Companies and organizations use incentive programs for a variety of promotional and employee recognition purposes.  In most cases, incentives play a contributing factor in determining the success of channel partner, sales, loyalty, consumer,  health and wellness promotional programs. Incentive programs increase participant engagement and yield significant results for the sponsoring organization. As reward programs have evolved, so has the technology that supports them.   All Digital Rewards is excited to introduce our new Ezepic ™ Reward card. The creation of the  Ezepic™ Reward card is to help program managers reduce costs and streamline efforts managing their Incentive program and meet evolving consumer and participant engagement appetites.  Adding an Ezepic Reward into your incentive mix eliminates the need for inventory management helps minimizes risks on purchasing incentives that for whatever reason is not attractive to your participants. Its purpose is to lower costs while at the same time allowing program managers the ability to easily customize incentive offerings and can be branded to fit your organization’s needs. The Premiere Ezepic™ Reward offering revolves around rewarding participants retail gift cards instantly, or in bulk through automatically awarding recipients through RewardWIZARD™ API providing instant impact.  Gift cards are proven to deliver results and […]

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