Tag: quiet quitting

4 Ways to Measure Your Workforce Engagement

In the wake of the great resignation and the trend of quiet quitting, companies everywhere are fighting to find ways to acquire, obtain, and motivate top talent. All of these goals are supported by an engaged workforce. The question is, how engaged is your workforce? Let’s go over some metrics and questions you can ask to gauge how well your company is doing at engaging your workforce. We’ll start with a fairly obvious one: retention rate. Retention rate and turnover are great ways to check your company’s engagement success. According to SHRM, the basic formula for calculating turnover is:(# of separations during the measurement period /average # of employees during the measurement period) x 100Using this formula, you’ll get a good understanding of how your company is doing in retaining your employees. It is best to also compare this number to the average for your industry, as some companies tend to have higher turnover rates due to the nature of the job. If your turnover rate is higher than the industry average, you’ll want to understand why. This is a big indicator that your employees may not be engaging with your company or their work. If you regularly send out […]

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