Digital rewards are a fantastic, bordering on necessary, type of incentive for any rewards program. They are a wonderful fit for market research panelists. Why do digital Visa® prepaid cards, digital gift card rewards, e-code redemptions, and other digital rewards continue to dominate market research programs? Because they meet a vital participant need: immediacy. Benefits of Digital Incentives: Participants in your market research recruitment or loyalty program all have one thing in common: None of them want to wait to be rewarded. With merchandise, checks, or bulk Visa® prepaid cards, your market research panelists will have to wait, sometimes for weeks, from the time they redeem their reward to the time they receive it. Digital gift card incentives and Visa® digital cards don’t have that problem. Think about your demographics. Are digital incentives a good fit for them? If so, look at your options. To properly offer digital incentives for your market research program, you will need a few things, including the right incentive options, a good market research management system, and reward management software. There are a lot of options for digital incentives. Besides cash equivalents, some other good options can include subscriptions to streaming services, videos, music, etc. E-gift […]
Tag: market research participant
Top Four Market Research Panel Recruitment Incentives and Strategies
Market research executives often seek effective ways to increase panel recruitment and new research panel management methods. Sometimes, the best methods have been around for many years, such as incentive programs. Incentive programs are a great way to encourage participation and retain panelists. Using AI to develop the market research strategy can ensure that the right reward types and amounts are used. By offering appealing rewards to panelists and issuing them consistently and transparently, market research panel managers can incentivize panelists to participate and retain them for their research studies. This article will discuss the top four incentive programs implemented by market research strategists, including cash incentives, points-based rewards programs, sweepstakes and contests, and loyalty programs. We will also explain AI’s role in each strategy and recommend each program’s most favored rewards and payments. 1. Cash Incentives Cash incentives are one of the most popular incentives for market research participants. They are typically offered as rewards and incentives for survey participants, focus groups, and other research activities. The amount of cash incentive provided depends on the complexity and length of the study. AI can assist market research strategists with setting appropriate cash incentives. By analyzing data from previous studies, AI […]