Tag: Loyal Customers

Tools to Build Loyalty: The ABCs of a Good Loyalty Program

Businesses lose 50 percent of their customers roughly every five years according to the Harvard Business Review. 38% of marketers say their biggest 2015 challenge was improving customer acquisition and retention (TeraData). Companies know they are having trouble retaining their customers. So how can we fix it? That’s where All Digital Rewards comes into play. We seek to help you build a better brand by using our unique platform. Help your customers get the information they seek by quicker, more efficient means. First off, understanding the audience is key to any major business move. Who are you trying to sell to? What service can you offer them that would benefit their lives? For example, you would not be successful selling the latest social networking site to a demographic of 60 plus, would you? Understand who will have the buying power and how you can make their life easier. Make it your goal to actually help the customer, not just sell your product. Now that you know who you are aiming towards, planning recruitment and retention objectives are next. What are the tactics you will use to gain customers and keep them? The ideas for drawing customers in are only as […]

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Customer Loyalty – Royal Equals Loyal

Your participants (customers, end users, members, consumers, or respondents) are looking for perks—an extra benefit for staying with you. Put simply, your participants’ benefits can make all the difference in the success of your organization. If you want to acquire, retain and engage your participants, you must offer value-added benefits that are relevant.  You need to offer real value so they welcome your continued contact.  Our team encourages thinking beyond demographics and includes attributes such as interests, lifestyles, and life stages. Innovation, differentiation, relevance and making an emotional connection with your participants are essential to program requirements to help your loyalty program stand apart in a crowded market. Loyalty is a composite of a number of qualities. It is driven by participant satisfaction and involves a determination by the participant to make a sustained investment. It is reflected by a willingness to recommend the organization to others and a commitment to the organization demonstrated by a resistance to switching. (Prus and Randall, 1995). Participants, at different stages of loyalty, will demand differentiated intangible offerings such as the level of service (Palmer et al., 2000; Knox and Walker, 2001; Rowley, 2005). It is an accepted fact that loyalty is a function of […]

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Can You Really Earn Customer Loyalty Online

Gaining customer loyalty can benefit your company immensely. People have always referred good companies but, customers nowadays share their stories more often on social media than ever before! Stories can go viral and some companies have experienced the downside of that. Having a good rapport with your customers is vital to your company’s success. But, where do you begin? Read these tips to help gain a loyal customer fan base. Focus on the first Impression. The first impression can come from so many directions whether it be the website, social media sites, or in person! Make sure all of your sources for contact are helpful and welcoming. Once you have made the first contact, be sure to follow up. An email saying, “Hey, it was great to meet you hope we can help you again,” can go far for your company’s customer service. Another tip is to offer ‘Round the clock’ Customer service. Yes, this does mean 24/7. Customers are all about customer service. If it is not available -there will be complaints. Not only will this gain you more customers by being available 24/7 but, it will also show the public that you are willing to help no matter […]

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