Tag: Channel Partner

The Key To Engaging Channel Partners

Channel partner programs seek a mutually beneficial relationship, but like all relationships, there are steps that need to be taken to avoid relationship problems. You want to feel that your channel partners are meeting your needs and your partners want to feel their efforts are valued and appreciated. But how do you keep the profit-producing magic alive in your channel partner relationship? Two words: Incentive Program. Now, not just any incentive program. Just like you wouldn’t buy your significant other jewelry from the dollar store for Valentine’s day, you want to make sure your incentive program shows the value you have for your relationship with your channel partners. A custom incentive program, with the right technology, will not only engage and enthrall your channel partners, but it will increase your ROI and provide valuable analytics for your business.  You may be asking, “how will an incentive program help?” We’re so glad you asked. An incentive plan shows your channel partners that you value them and increases their motivation and engagement. A study by Bersin & Associates shows 14% higher productivity in companies with incentive programs.  An incentive plan rewards your channel sales partners for completing the goals you set for […]

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Comparing The Benefits of Introducing New Technology Into Your Channel Partner Incentive Program

Whether your company has been using an incentive program for years, or you’re starting your first one, the right technology is key. Does your current incentive management software come with too few incentive options for your channel partners? Have you run into security issues? Is the user interface clunky or overly complicated? Are you paying too much? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to consider upgrading your channel partner incentive program technology. Your incentive program management technology is the foundation of your incentive program. If the foundation isn’t good, the whole thing will have problems. The right technology can lead to success, high ROI, and greater channel partner satisfaction and engagement. The wrong technology can turn your incentive program into a giant sinkhole, swallowing up your money and productivity. When you pick the wrong incentive program technology, your only return on investment will be stress. How do you pick the right technology when comparing different incentive program technology providers? There are several things you can do to ensure you’re getting the right channel partner incentive management technology. You want to consider all the features and benefits offered by the incentive program technology providers you […]

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