Tag: Cash Based Rewards

Cash-Based Incentives Your Market Research Panel Will Love

Market research incentive programs are a staple when motivating your market research panelists. You can use an incentive program to maximize response rates from your market research panel, increase motivation, improve recruiting, and to create a positive culture. Choosing the right rewards and incentives ensures that your panelists will have the best experience with your market research program.  Our case studies have shown impressive returns on investment for companies that have implemented the right incentives for their market research panel incentive programs. Cash Equivalent Survey Incentives for market research participants are a popular choice among companies and their program participants. Panelists love cash-equivalent and cash-based incentives. These can include physical and virtual gift cards, VISA prepaid cards, checks, and so much more. Using digital cash-equivalent incentives allows you to save both time and money. Your participants can receive their rewards instantly, and you don’t have to go to the time, effort, or cost of mailing out individual checks to your participants. All Digital Rewards has an extensive catalog of digital reward offerings, to include name brand gift cards to your participants’ favorite stores.  Cash-based incentives can also be blended with merchandise. Blended incentive marketplaces often perform better than programs that […]

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Use This Engagement Strategy To Build A Thriving Market Research Panel

Everyone’s heard cash is king. Who doesn’t want free money? Market research panel programs tend to choose cash-based rewards for their panelists for this very reason. However, if you want higher recruitment, engagement, and retention, cash-based incentives may not be your best choice. Cash-based rewards programs require the panelist to complete a task, then the user is rewarded with a cash or cash equivalent reward, such as a visa prepaid card, check, or PayPal deposit. Between the costs of inventory, distribution, and fulfillment, cash-based rewards can be pricy. Checks cost admin time and effort, plastic prepaid cards are expensive, and virtual prepaid cards have admin costs and inventory to manage, despite their lower cost. One strategy that consistently proves effective in lowering program costs and increasing engagement and retention is switching to a points-based incentive program with a mix of cash, prepaid debit cards, merchandise, and experiential rewards. A points-based, blended-incentive reward program offers points or reward value to the panelist that they can spend in a marketplace to select a variety of different rewards, specifically chosen to cater to your program’s demographics. Merchandise and other marketplace incentives typically have a lower cost than cash-based rewards. For example, with the […]

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Top 5 Panel Recruitment Promotions that Work in Market Research

  Recruitment promotions are easier said than done. But, here’s the golden question. How can you get more customers? What can you do to attract new customers and have them coming back? Today, we’ll talk about digital to cash-based rewards, open vs. closed loop recruitment, leveraging recognized brands,  and promotions that bring customers in and keep them. I want you to keep two questions in mind that will work for you. What can you offer that will actually be wanted by customers, and have your customers coming back? And, what is in demand and how do we give this insight? Look for brands who do this well and look to them for example. Leverage those recognized brands. These questions, if answered correctly, will guide you to a successful recruitment promotion. Here are the top 5-panel recruitment promotions that work in market research. Digital rewards are rewards that you can send, receive, and download online. Whether it is movie tickets, travel promo codes, or even fuel rewards, consumers are eating them up. Digital rewards are booming because they play into the consumer’s need for instant gratification. Give them what they want, quickly, and they will be more willing to create a […]

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