Tag: brand advocate

Use Rebates To Build Brand Advocacy

Are you considering a Rebates program? Rebates programs are a fantastic loyalty building tool when done right. Rebate programs show your customers that you want to engage in a customer relationship and want to give back to them. If you offer rebates, it will encourage your customers to become brand advocates, encouraging others to choose your brand over your competitors.Consumers are always looking for deals. A rebate offer will give the necessary push to convince a customer to choose your product over your competitors. Half of all major manufacturers and retailers use rebates as part of their normal product promotions and more the 70% of Americans take advantage of a rebate offer at least once every year. But how do you create an effective rebate program? There are several major elements that go into making a rebate program work effectively. You will need to understand the rebate laws and how they apply to what you want to promote. To avoid the challenges of keeping track of your offers, a centralized database of all information regarding the rebate offer will be important to your program. You will need clear, understandable, and easy to access redemption rules. Your process should be streamlined […]

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