Poor customer experiences (CX) are detrimental to a company’s reputation and sales. There is hope thanks to a new customer experience survey from the SDL. This study consisted of a survey of 2,784 consumers across nine countries and three generations, asking them about their most major CX failure in the last 10 years. In the survey, 82% of customers who experienced a “worst CX” said they are interested in fixing the problem. Initial reasons for switching companies were a loss of trust in the company (44%), a poor quality of customer service (72%), and customer service representatives’ lack of knowledge (36%). This new research shows that 8 out of 10 respondents who switched stated that their previous service provider could have done something that would have kept them as a customer. After a bad CX, 64% of customers will stop recommending the organization, start looking for an alternative, or actively disparage the company via word of mouth/social media. This truly brings into play, “The good is expected but, the bad will go viral.” The study offered tips to regain the loyalty of those lost customers. The participants ranked the following actions in order of importance to the customer after a […]
Category: Articles
How To Make Your Product Stand Out With Gamification
Gamification is taking off in the digital world. Gamification is an online marketing technique that takes qualities of games (point scoring, competition, rules of play) and applies them to a company’s product or service. By gamifying your company, you are creating content for your audience to engage in by earning points, unlocking levels, or showing progress bars. 90% of Americans own a mobile device, 67% are on social networks, and 52% play games on their mobile device, computer, and or tablet. Consumers are always online, accessible any time, any way (phone, computer, tablet), and anywhere. With the help of social networking sites, it is easier than ever to share messages with a mass audience. Games are an effective way to engage your audience because it focuses their minds to a task in front of them. Gamification taps into the natural human desires of status, achievement, and competition. A recent example of gamification is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. This challenge used the truth or dare tactic, you either uploaded a video dumping a bucket of ice on your head, or you donated to the charity. Because the benefits were going to a cause, a social stigma arose if nominated participants […]
Cash: Do You Really Need It? We Can Help You Decide
Do you remember that special birthday where you were given some cash inside a card you never read? Do you really remember who gave it to you? Would it be a fair guess that you would rather have had something other than THAT? Something where you knew they were thinking of you or at least trying to think of you. It just seemed like a last minute gift or a cop out? Maybe even “cheap”? It’s a well-known saying and cliché, “Cash is King”. We all love a roll of bills in our pocket or the check that arrives in the mail. We even get excited to receive that PIN number to activate a virtual prepaid card online. Why? Generally, it is because of instant gratification and has a known or expected quality. Yes, the check usually takes a few to several weeks to arrive. Yes, the virtual prepaid card cannot usually be used for fuel, paying bills, or in the grocery store, but it’s there for other things. So why, in today’s world where most loyalty programs based on cash incentives, are they struggling to keep their end-users engaged and performing? One word: emotions. Just like the introduction above, […]