Tag: Workplace Wellness

How Prepaid Cards Can Boost Employee Wellness Program

In our recent Guide “Leveraging Prepaid Cards as Wellness Incentives: An Ultimate Guide” we explored demystifying the integration of prepaid cards into your wellness initiatives. In this blog we want you to consider how prepaid cards in employee wellness can boost engagement. Do you have an employee wellness program in place? If yes, how effective is it? Better yet, have you ever thought of integrating prepaid cards into your wellness initiatives? Today, we’re diving into why this financial tool can be a game-changer for your employee wellness programs. When we talk about wellness, most people immediately think of physical health. But what about financial health? Have you considered that financial wellness is an integral part of any holistic wellness strategy? By offering prepaid cards as incentives, you’re not just rewarding employees; you’re empowering them to make better financial decisions. So, how can prepaid cards specifically boost employee wellness? Are you curious to understand more about using prepaid cards as part of your employee benefits? Our comprehensive guide on the A, B, and C’s of prepaid cards in Wellness programs is an excellent resource to get you started. But let’s not forget about measuring outcomes. How do you gauge the effectiveness […]

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Creating a Wellness-Centric Culture with Incentive Cards

In our recent Guide “Leveraging Prepaid Cards as Wellness Incentives: An Ultimate Guide” we explored demystifying the integration of prepaid cards into your wellness initiatives. In this blog, we focus on Incentive Cards in Wellness Culture. Wellness in the workplace is more than just a buzzword; it’s a necessity for fostering a productive and engaged workforce. But how can you, as an employer, contribute to this? One effective method is through incentive cards. Ever wondered how Incentive Cards influence Wellness Culture? Before diving into the how-to, let’s examine the why. Why is creating a wellness-centric culture so important? The answer lies in employee engagement and overall well-being. Employees who are well taken care of are more productive, loyal, and satisfied. Incentive cards offer a versatile solution to promote wellness in a variety of ways. From gym memberships to health screenings, these cards can cover it all. They offer flexibility that other rewards might lack, which is important in catering to diverse employee needs. Remember the complexities of choosing between Reward Programs and incentive schemes? If you’re not sure, you might want to read our guide “Reward vs. Incentive Prepaid Cards: The Ultimate Guide”. Read the Ultimate Guide: Reward vs. Incentive […]

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Your New Health and Wellness Incentive Program Needs This To Succeed

Without the proper wellness program strategy, No health and wellness incentive promotion is guaranteed success. However, this doesn’t mean it has to be a complicated process. When making changes to an existing program or setting up a new one, if you cover the basics and work with experienced experts, you’ll find that your program is well on its way to success. It is essential to your program’s success that you ensure proper planning is aimed toward increasing participation in your health and wellness program. Listed below are a few basics to help guide you to boost participation rates for your health and wellness platform. -You need a well-designed and thought-out program where candidates can reach their goals. -The more participants, the better for your program. When building your program’s timeline, allow a sufficient amount of time to build up interest and excitement (several weeks or so) for your health and wellness program. A number of educational information and announcements released over the course of your build-up period will increase interest. Examples can include: Helpful Tips: -Use attractive visual presentations -Demonstrate a few examples of what to expect -Pass out questionnaires and enrollment packets for those who would like to enroll […]

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Start The New Year With a Winning Wellness Program

It’s that time, setting better intentions for ourselves to get healthy. Whether it be going to the gym more or eating better, which are literally the top two resolutions the general public gravitates towards, and we’ve got the research to prove it (see the infographic below)! But let’s get to the nitty-gritty of why 2018 is the year to cultivate a winning wellness program. Source: Accelerant Research As the wellness industry continues to evolve (now grossing a whopping $6 billion), it’s becoming more transparent, and providing more information that is readily available for the general population, we can see now how important health and wellness plays in our daily lives, not only for current state of well being, but there is proven research that shows increase in work productivity/performance, less stress-more happiness, and life longevity. So many wonderful benefits and a better quality of life can be achieved with a simple health and wellness program, and the working men and women are taking notice. “More than three-quarters of job seekers say benefits are “very important” when considering a job offer, and 69% say they might choose one job over another if it offered better benefits.”-Source: Spring Buk. Which is why […]

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7 Workplace Wellness Trends for 2017

Corporate health and wellness programs are becoming increasingly popular in today’s workforce due to the realization of how beneficial these programs really are. Employees are encouraged to become more mindful about their health and gain so much by harnessing this healthy lifestyle. Companies reap the benefits from these workplace wellness programs by lowered healthcare costs, boosted productivity, and much more! Numerous companies and corporations are putting a plan in place, a plan to create a healthy and encouraging work environment, a plan to open on-site fitness centers, promote meditation breaks, present healthier food options. These companies and corporations are really seeing the success of their health and wellness programs. At ADR we are always on the hunt for great health and wellness trends to keep employees, happy, healthy, and motivated. We have compiled a list of our top 7 workplace wellness trends below! Mind over Matter. These days more and more workplace wellness programs are focusing on mental health vs. physical health. Becoming more mindful of the mental state is crucial because it is what drives us physically, the mind powers the body! Meditation breaks, silent sits, or even beginning each meeting with 5 minutes of meditation can offer tremendous […]

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Guide To A Successful Health and Wellness Incentive Program

No health and wellness incentive promotion is foolproof without the proper wellness program strategy. It doesn’t have to be a complicated process as long as you cover the basics when setting up or making changes to an existing program. First and foremost, without a sufficient amount of participants in the program, the results will be less than adequate. It is fundamental to your program to ensure proper planning is met to increase participation in your health and wellness program. Listed below are a few basics to help guide you to boost participation rates for your health and wellness platform. -You need a well designed and thought out program where candidates can reach their goals. -The more candidates, the better. Allow sufficient amount of time to build up interest (several weeks or so) for your health and wellness program. A string of educational information and announcements released over the course of your build up period will peak interest. Examples include: -Use a visual presentation -Demonstrate a few examples -Pass out questionnaires and enrollment packets for those who would like to enroll on the spot -If applicable, prepare testimonies for those who have already participated in the program Create a small market […]

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