Tag: Rebate programs

Listen To The Statistics – It’s Time to Invest in a Loyalty Program

Are you still waiting on investing in a loyalty program? The statistics say it’s time to go for it. The Nielsen Global Retail Loyalty Sentiment Report gives businesses across the world numerous reasons to recognize the value of having a loyalty program to increase your company’s success. If you don’t have a loyalty program now, you’ll wish you did by the end of the year. A good loyalty program will drive your customers to frequently visit your establishment or website and spend more with you during each of their visits.Beyond just revenue generated from a core program, with the information your program allows you to collect, you will be able to deliver relevant, targeted promotions to your most loyalty program customers, resulting in an additional sources of revenue. Looking at the Nielsen Global Retail Loyalty Sentiment Report (NGRLSR) we see that 72% of customers stated that they would rather buy from a retailer with a loyalty program over one who doesn’t offer one. 74% of loyalty program participants say they’re more likely to be repeat customers of companies that offer loyalty programs — Loyalty programs give businesses greater levels of customer retention. Customers are also more likely to spend more […]

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What Makes a rebate program profitable

Rebates are a great way of drawing in consumers and gives them a helpful way to save money through digital rebates, future credits, and different types of savings incentives. However, without the correct technology in place, rebate redemption becomes a challenge due to the elaborate process for your customers, and also for your employees. For maximum profitability get the right implementation, technology, and support, which will make your rebates an advantageous marketing tactic. Here are several of the factors that contribute to rebate program profitability. Rebate promotions companies will tell you that there are several legal guidelines and best practices for rebate programs. It is important to research before you start your rebate program and verify that you don’t revise the program rules after they’ve been published. The less confusing it is for your rebate program participants, the more they will like your program and recommend your organization to their friends. Make sure to utilize clear headings that your customers will comprehend. A lot of the data you require for your program can be found in the Federal Trade Commission Guidelines. Nonetheless, remember that one of the most basic issues in your rebate program is the reaction time. The Federal […]

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Quick Way To Solve Problems with Reward and Recognition Programs

Building loyalty with 5% more customers would lead to an increased average profit per customer of between 25% and 100% (The Loyalty Effect). Rewards and recognition are the tools to build that customer (and employee) loyalty. “Fully engaged” customers (those with a strong attachment to the brand or brand ambassadors) deliver a 23% premium over the average customer in market share of wallet, profitability, and revenue (Cap Gemini). Now, all of this is wonderful information. But, where do you bring this into play? How does your brand build customer loyalty with rewards and recognition? Read on for the 6 types of successful rewards and recognition using prepaid debit cards. Firstly, let’s discuss the successful use of prepaid cards in brand holiday buying. Oftentimes, you can’t walk into a store without them stating, “Sign up for our card today and save 40% on your purchase!” Although this tactic is used across the board, it typically works. People are willing to come into the store and purchase more for their money-especially if they can save on their year-end gifts. Next, there are multiple options for establishing rebate programs or even refunds options for coupons or membership qualities from that branded prepaid debit […]

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The Truth About Initiating a Consumer Incentive Program

Roughly 12 million Americans used a prepaid debit card at least once a month and collectively loaded $65 billion to them. Prepaid cards can be an awesome tool for many different people. They are safer than cash and remove the threat of overdraft fees and bounced checks. According to a recent market research study, 96 percent of users of respondents said the cards were useful, and 94 percent would recommend a reloadable prepaid card to someone else. Prepaid cards are the top customer incentive of 2015. So what are some key points for developing a successful consumer incentive program? Read on for the top seven qualities in prepaid debit cards. Cash management is… just that! An option for managing your cash flow. This allows customers to put how much money they want to spend on the card before they go purchase. This makes spending easier for families to watch their budget and possibly manage to spend for young children. Other options allow consumers to earn points from specific products they purchase, such as gas, clothing, or possibly even groceries. Event marketing is a huge industry that physically draws people in and gives them an actual experience. By hosting an event […]

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Top 7 Reasons Your Prepaid Card Rebate Program is Weird

Prepaid card rebate programs are hot right now. Multiple industries are trying to set this program up for customer incentives because it actually works! However, companies are struggling because they are making crucial errors that make their card and reward inefficient and, frankly, a pain in their customer’s butts. Imagine a mail-in rebate of $50 on a $40 video game. Only $10 for the newest edition, and you think to yourself, “I need that.” So you write out a check and mail it in as quickly as you can. You mail it in and patiently wait. Months go by, you don’t receive your check, you’ve written those angry letters, but no luck. There could be hundreds of reasons the company didn’t send that check. But you’ll be sure to never do business with them again. Read on for 7 reasons why your prepaid card rebate program is failing. There are many different strategies to begin a prepaid card rebate program.  Is your system manual or automated? Is your only reason to use rebates for the breakage or slippage? Rebates are an awesome way to generate new leads and sales, but the start-up cost of the soon-to-be-discounted price and the cost […]

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