Tag: promote b2b business opportunities

Rewards and technology solutions for your B2B incentive programs

The right rewards are essential to your business to business incentive programs. Not all rewards are valued the same, and the incentives that one person finds motivating might not be enough to inspire another’s action. The right rewards can promote b2b business opportunities and increase your ROI. There are several important questions to ask when looking for rewards that will motivate your B2B incentive program participants: Is your program designed to engage participants’ physiological, social, and cognitive requirements?  How frequently are rewards issued?  What is the perceived value of the rewards? How are the rewards delivered? There is a popular theory of motivation that states that actions are often inspired by a desire to gain outside reinforcement. This incentive theory is one of the significant methods of motivation and suggests an eagerness for the addition of a reward to motivate behavior. The more value the participant places on the reward, the more influential the incentive becomes. To be motivating, rewards must be obtainable. For example – a participant will not be motivated to reach their sales goals if the sales claiming and validation process is so complicated that it is not realistically achievable. The best way to set up your […]

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