Tag: Loyalty Rewards

Why Participant Happiness is the Key to Your Loyalty Program’s Success

What do your participants think of you? No matter what kind of rewards program you’re running, this question is important. This is the moment you throw out all the advice you ever heard about not caring what other people think about you. In the business world, people’s opinions can make or break you. According to the White House Office of Consumer Affairs, loyal customers are worth up to 10 times as much as their first purchase. The Office also says that news of bad customer service reaches more than twice as many ears as praise for an excellent service experience. People trust reviews and the opinions of their peers. If you keep your participants happy, they’ll reward you with loyalty and positive reviews. If you don’t keep them happy, they’ll let everyone know.  Now, it is truly impossible to make everyone happy. However, there are some key steps you can take to make sure your participants are happy with your rewards program. Your participants need to be able to access their rewards easily, without any issues. This means having a plan and technology in place to allow for easy reward redemption. If you’re using a website, make sure that it […]

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Visa® Prepaid Card Can Benefit Your Bottom Line

Visa® prepaid incentive cards can help your company drive efficiency and lower costs.  If you are currently using checks to reward your customers imagine being able to save thousands of hours in processing time and lowering costs by more than 30%.  You will also decrease the payment and delivery time thus making your clients happier so they will return and be your advocate. […]

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Personally Engage your Customers

  Only 28% of consumers are loyal to their providers and brands. Now more than ever, companies are struggling to retain customers and have them returning time after time. With customer experience being the big ticket word, companies forget that part of the customer experience is engaging the customer and making them feel important. Brand loyalty is a difficult thing to come by. However, if done properly, it can retain customers and send your sales skyrocketing. The first step in creating personal engagement is to devise a plan, a strategy if you will. Your strategy should lead to an attainable goal that will please customers. Understand that all of your actions with your customers develop a relationship with a customer. Therefore, if customers have had a bad experience with you, they will never forget it. That is not to say that it can’t be fixed, but that’s a topic for another time. Develop a strategy to please customers, whether giving them coupons for spending a certain amount, updating your website with a chat feature, or even developing social media sites. Ultimately, your goal is to focus on the customer experience. If your customers are not happy, your sales will drop. […]

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