Tag: health plan-related

Exploring Health and Wellness Program Types. Incentive and Reward Program Series 4

All Digital Rewards understand the importance of a high-quality health and wellness incentive program in increasing workplace wellbeing and improving company efficiency. There are four main options for health and wellness incentive programs. We have discussed types 1, 2, and 3 in our previous posts in our Exploring Health and Wellness Program Types. Incentive and Reward Program Series. In this post, we will be reviewing Type 4 health and wellness incentive programs. Type 4 Health Plan-Related Outcome-Based Programs are available to individuals enrolled in the sponsoring company’s health plan. Rewards are earned based on meeting certain program-specific desired outcomes required by the company’s health and wellness program. These outcomes could include things like reaching a certain BMI level or quitting smoking, which could be rewarded with a reduction in an employee’s health care contributions. Type 4 programs often include a tobacco cessation program. Health screenings are often required at the onset of a Type 4 health and wellness program in order to establish a baseline for the participants and to allow for easy progress tracking as the program progresses. As is the case for all health and wellness incentive programs, Type 4 programs are required to ensure that there is […]

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Exploring Health and Wellness Program Types. Incentive and Reward Program Series 3

All Digital Rewards, a leading health and wellness incentive provider, is committed to helping health and wellness program managers understand the basics of creating an incentive plan for their members.  When creating a health and wellness incentive program, there are four main types that most programs will fall under. In previous posts, we’ve explored type 1 and type 2 programs. In this third post of our Incentive and reward program series, we will be reviewing type 3 health and wellness incentive programs: Health Plan-Related Activity-Only Programs. Type 3 Health Plan-Related Activity-Only Programs allow participants who are enrolled in the company’s healthcare plan to earn rewards after completing certain health and wellness activities. Examples of these Health Plan-Related Activity-Only Programs could include things like a reduction in employee health plan contributions if the employee follows a diet plan, or rewarding an employee for participating in exercise classes, or offering a reduction in employee health plan contributions if the employee exercises for at least 3 days out of a week for a minimum of one hour on each of those days. Your type 3 health and wellness program must be accessible to all similarly situated employees who are enrolled in your company’s […]

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