Tag: engage your customers

5 Easy Ways to Create an Incentive Program that Will Make You Successful

Incentive programs are driving the current consumer market. No matter what industry it is, customer incentives engage customers by creating a relationship with brands worldwide. According to statistics, engaged customers are four times more likely to say they “appreciate when this brand reaches out to me” and seven times more likely to “always respond to this brand’s promotional offers.” (Rosetta) We all strive for success in the business world, and when you combine that desire with an incentive program that creates customer engagement for your brand, it is a win/win for everyone. Here are five ways to create the perfect Incentive program: Make sure to engage your customers, and help them be the decision-makers. Offering a direct reward for a qualifying behavior will help you gain and maintain a long-term relationship.  Allowing your client to log into a reward site and pick their prize from among many gives a sense of empowerment. Structure your plan ahead of time with proper processes because even the most expensive reward is belittled if the system to redeem it is too complex and convoluted. Key stakeholders’ well-designed incentive plan should offer products and services enticing enough to impact behavior and be structured to have […]

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