Tag: Engage Customer

Personally Engage your Customers

  Only 28% of consumers are loyal to their providers and brands. Now more than ever, companies are struggling to retain customers and have them returning time after time. With customer experience being the big ticket word, companies forget that part of the customer experience is engaging the customer and making them feel important. Brand loyalty is a difficult thing to come by. However, if done properly, it can retain customers and send your sales skyrocketing. The first step in creating personal engagement is to devise a plan, a strategy if you will. Your strategy should lead to an attainable goal that will please customers. Understand that all of your actions with your customers develop a relationship with a customer. Therefore, if customers have had a bad experience with you, they will never forget it. That is not to say that it can’t be fixed, but that’s a topic for another time. Develop a strategy to please customers, whether giving them coupons for spending a certain amount, updating your website with a chat feature, or even developing social media sites. Ultimately, your goal is to focus on the customer experience. If your customers are not happy, your sales will drop. […]

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