Tag: Employee Wellness

Leveraging Prepaid Cards in Wellness Programs: An Ultimate Guide

In today’s competitive business landscape, wellness programs are more than a perk—they’re a strategic imperative. As companies strive to attract top talent and boost employee productivity, wellness incentives have emerged as a powerful tool to engage staff and promote healthier lifestyles. But how do you make your incentives both appealing and easy to manage? Enter prepaid cards—a versatile, user-friendly solution that’s changing the game in wellness programs. This ultimate guide aims to demystify the integration of prepaid cards into your wellness initiatives. We’ll walk you through the A, B, and Cs—from the Advantages of using prepaid cards to the Best Practices for seamless implementation and key Considerations for making the right choices. Whether you’re new to wellness programs or looking to optimize your existing rewards system, this guide provides a comprehensive roadmap to leveraging prepaid cards effectively. So, let’s embark on this journey to enrich your wellness program and maximize the benefits for your organization and its employees. In summary, the advantages of utilizing prepaid cards in wellness programs extend from universal accessibility to robust account management features. Their versatile and inclusive nature makes them an ideal choice for companies aiming to foster a holistic and engaging wellness culture. Successfully […]

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Start The New Year With a Winning Wellness Program

It’s that time, setting better intentions for ourselves to get healthy. Whether it be going to the gym more or eating better, which are literally the top two resolutions the general public gravitates towards, and we’ve got the research to prove it (see the infographic below)! But let’s get to the nitty-gritty of why 2018 is the year to cultivate a winning wellness program. Source: Accelerant Research As the wellness industry continues to evolve (now grossing a whopping $6 billion), it’s becoming more transparent, and providing more information that is readily available for the general population, we can see now how important health and wellness plays in our daily lives, not only for current state of well being, but there is proven research that shows increase in work productivity/performance, less stress-more happiness, and life longevity. So many wonderful benefits and a better quality of life can be achieved with a simple health and wellness program, and the working men and women are taking notice. “More than three-quarters of job seekers say benefits are “very important” when considering a job offer, and 69% say they might choose one job over another if it offered better benefits.”-Source: Spring Buk. Which is why […]

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Top 2018 Corporate Wellness Trends

It’s that time – we are all gearing up for the new year already, getting through the holiday madness and planning for Q1. With all the busyness of the holiday season, health and wellness program participation tends to have a little bit of a decline, which is why staying up with the trends to entice your participants to get off to a good start next year is so important. When managing a successful corporate health and wellness program, it’s necessary to take ABE approach (Always Be Evolving) and work with a health and wellness incentive provider that understands services you are offering to assist them, and the appropriate incentives needed to modify the behavior to lift program uptake over last year. ABE is key to participation because they continuously need your active interest in their influencing motivation! Key considerations need to be reviewed every year to keep your workplace wellness program on track. Listed below is a handful of the top corporate wellness trends to incorporate into your program for 2018. This one’s a biggie. When presenting a more flexible work environment in exchange for program participation, you can bet that participants will be willing to engage. Offering teleworking or […]

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7 Workplace Wellness Trends for 2017

Corporate health and wellness programs are becoming increasingly popular in today’s workforce due to the realization of how beneficial these programs really are. Employees are encouraged to become more mindful about their health and gain so much by harnessing this healthy lifestyle. Companies reap the benefits from these workplace wellness programs by lowered healthcare costs, boosted productivity, and much more! Numerous companies and corporations are putting a plan in place, a plan to create a healthy and encouraging work environment, a plan to open on-site fitness centers, promote meditation breaks, present healthier food options. These companies and corporations are really seeing the success of their health and wellness programs. At ADR we are always on the hunt for great health and wellness trends to keep employees, happy, healthy, and motivated. We have compiled a list of our top 7 workplace wellness trends below! Mind over Matter. These days more and more workplace wellness programs are focusing on mental health vs. physical health. Becoming more mindful of the mental state is crucial because it is what drives us physically, the mind powers the body! Meditation breaks, silent sits, or even beginning each meeting with 5 minutes of meditation can offer tremendous […]

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