Tag: corporate incentives
Increase Genuine Accessory Sales with The Right Sales Promotion
This case study will illustrate how to increase genuine Accessory Sales by implementing a highly responsive sales overlay program that will increase participant engagement by educating participants, using interactive games, and issuing sought-after reward incentives as part of a promotional sales claim process. The case study is an illustrative of the promotion outcome after the conclusion of three similarly situated overlay promotions over an eighteen-month period. The subject of the case study is a leading global automotive manufacturing company that is South Korea’s oldest manufacturer of motor vehicles. Over 1.5 million vehicles a year produced in 13 manufacturing facilities and assembly operations in eight countries. They wanted to run a genuine accessory sales overlay promotion for their dealer partners in the US market. The promotion included sales, service, and accessory departments. The current promotion was not performing and the manufacturer reached out to All Digital Rewards to re-launch the program. Being a valued client of All Digital Rewards, and it was important to take into consideration how the promotion was previously conducted, not confuse the participants, and not lose the component participants had enjoyed – the rewards. All Digital Rewards would have to address the promotions decline over the last […]
Reward Redemption Process is Crucial to Good Engagement
At its core, the purpose of an incentive is to impact the behavior of employees, customers or respondents. Any incentive that does not impact behavior or decision making is simply a waste of time and money. Simply stated maybe, but that doesn’t make the statement any less Accurate. As factual as that initial statement is, it does not present a complete explanation of the true role of an incentive. It is true saying that an incentive must impact initial decision making of an employee; customer or respondent the company using the incentive must also take a long-term view of their ongoing relationship with the recipient. A well-structured incentive plan cannot only positively impact initial behavior and decision making but also solidify a long-term (and profitable) relationship with the target audience…or forever end that relationship and likely the disgruntled respondent’s immediate circle of influence. An incentive plan must take into consideration the impact the reward redemption process may have on the long-term potential of the client relationship. Unfortunately, too many incentive marketing agencies are long on innovative redemption processes but short on the vision for the long-term impact they may have on client relationships to their audience. Many key stakeholders focus […]