Tag: channel sales statistics

Channel Partner Reward Program Statistics

Your channel partner program incentives are crucial to the success of your channel sales partnerships. A study from the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) showed that 43% of businesses use a non-cash channel rewards program, and 81% of the top-performing companies had non-cash reward programs. These non-cash programs showed a 32% increase in total revenue and a 30% increase in market share.  Typically, channel sales incentive programs are used to build brand awareness, increase sales and market share, and to improve customer loyalty and satisfaction. As seen from the statistics above, these laudable goals are easily achieved through these channel partner incentives and rewards programs. No wonder the top businesses use them. Channel partner incentive programs have numerous benefits. As stated above, incentive programs increase revenue, increase market share, and draw in new customers, but they’re so much more they bring to the table as well. Incentive programs increase teamwork and collaboration. They’re also a positive influence on workplace culture.  Although there will be differences across demographics, there are some rewards that the Incentive Research Foundation’s study found were consistently popular.  Gift cards and prepaid cards are always winners as they are viewed as cash equivalents. Incentive Research Foundation’s study showed […]

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