Tag: Brand

Loyalty Program Do’s and Dont’s

When it comes to loyalty programs, companies are struggling to figure out what works and what doesn’t to inspire loyalty in customers for their brands. Customer incentives have never been harder to define. According to a recent study from Experian, three out of four (75%) U.S. companies with loyalty programs generate a return on investment. This clearly shows a benefit for most companies who spend money on loyalty programs. There is no denying that loyal customers are more profitable than acquiring new customers time and time again. Actually, according to Experian, 69 percent of U.S. companies with loyalty programs track the lifetime value of each customer for an average value of $1,803. However, getting to the point of customers returning time and time again to shop with their favorite brand is easier said than done. Should brands offer fuel rewards? Or would points off groceries work better? Marketers have to get customers involved and eventually have them advocate for their brands by sharing products on social media and referrals! Below is the ultimate marketer’s list of do’s and dont’s of loyalty programs. Customer goal setting is beneficial for setting either a timeline or a call-to-action. This can be done through […]

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