Tag: affinity

Customer Loyalty – Royal Equals Loyal

Your participants (customers, end users, members, consumers, or respondents) are looking for perks—an extra benefit for staying with you. Put simply, your participants’ benefits can make all the difference in the success of your organization. If you want to acquire, retain and engage your participants, you must offer value-added benefits that are relevant.  You need to offer real value so they welcome your continued contact.  Our team encourages thinking beyond demographics and includes attributes such as interests, lifestyles, and life stages. Innovation, differentiation, relevance and making an emotional connection with your participants are essential to program requirements to help your loyalty program stand apart in a crowded market. Loyalty is a composite of a number of qualities. It is driven by participant satisfaction and involves a determination by the participant to make a sustained investment. It is reflected by a willingness to recommend the organization to others and a commitment to the organization demonstrated by a resistance to switching. (Prus and Randall, 1995). Participants, at different stages of loyalty, will demand differentiated intangible offerings such as the level of service (Palmer et al., 2000; Knox and Walker, 2001; Rowley, 2005). It is an accepted fact that loyalty is a function of […]

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