Tag: percentage partners

Learn This Secret To Measure Your Channel Sales Program’s Success

Records, paperwork, spreadsheets, forms…In a word: Data. The secret to measuring your success is data. If you want to dominate your channel sales and crush the competition, you need the right data to build out the metrics for your program. Once you have the metrics, you can easily identify your program’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The question is, what metrics do you need for your channel sales program? First thing’s first. You should divide your metrics up into categories: Channel sales recruitment, success, profitability, and training & support. Here is the channel sales data you need for each category: Now that you have your data, you can compare it to your goals for your program and see where you are doing well and where you can stand to improve. If your program has multiple areas where it needs to improve, consider making some changes to your channel sales incentive program. Implementing a channel sales incentive program, revising your current channel sales incentive program, or adding new program management technology can give your metrics the boost they need for you to achieve your channel sales goals. All Digital Rewards is a leading loyalty engagement company, serving as a trusted partner […]

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