Tag: incentive provider

Types of Health & Wellness Incentive Programs

  It can be a challenge deciding which type of health and wellness incentive program is the best fit for your organization or whether or not you should engage the services of an incentive provider to gain helpful insights.  Health and wellness incentive programs are an important part of encouraging health among employees, decreasing spending on employee health care, increasing productivity, and raising morale among employees. Health and wellness incentive programs come in many forms, depending on the sponsoring organization’s particular goals, and what tactics are needed to influence healthy behavior. Health and wellness incentive programs should be consistent with an organization’s vision and goals, legally compliant, and relevant to the program’s participants needs. As a general rule, most health and wellness incentive programs will fall under one of four different types: When effectively implemented, these health and wellness incentive programs have been shown to improve work performance, decrease the number of sickness-related absences, increase companies’ abilities to attract top talent, and improve employee’s self-management skills. Each of these types of plans have their own unique features and compliance obligations. Becoming informed as to the different types of health and wellness incentive programs and their requirements is one of the […]

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