Incentive programs are everywhere. Companies use them to increase customer loyalty, promote corporate health and wellness, and to increase productivity, but one other use incentives can have is to increase employee retention. It’s no secret that companies want to retain their employees, but many companies don’t understand how expensive losing employees actually can be. The cost of employee turnover can be calculated as: (Hiring Cost + Onboarding Cost + Development Cost + Unfilled Time Cost) x (Number of Employees x Annual Turnover rate) = Cost of Employee Turnover For example, take a company of 200 people with a 12% annual turnover rate. The company spends $27k per person on hiring, $5k per person onboarding, $12k per person on development, and will lose $55k of productivity when refilling a role: (Hiring Cost: $27,000 + Onboarding Cost: $5,000 + Development Cost: $12,000 + Unfilled Time Cost: $55,000) x (Number of Employees: 200 x Annual Turnover rate: 12%) = Cost of Employee Turnover: $2,376,000 Our example company loses over 2 million dollars annually to employee turnover, and that’s not even considering some of the other indirect losses a company experiences as a result of employee turnover. High turnover rates can damage your reputation, […]
Tag: employee engagement
Incentives & Rewards To Engage Remote Workers
Many companies have employees working remote or from home. This is a tremendous opportunity for companies to save money and increase their employee retention. However, it is not uncommon for many companies to feel that it can be difficult to engage their remote workers. One of the most effective ways to engage both remote and in-person workers, is through incentives programs that are geared to employees working from home that is attached to measuring milestones and outcomes that benefit the company and the employee. A good example is a remote employee who sits for extended periods of time and does not have the daily water cooler activities that the office environment provides may need the encouragement to get up and move around. A wellness program attached to 5,000 or more steps a day may successfully boost the morale, health, and productivity of the individual. No matter what sort of organization or company you have, people are motivated by incentives. A study from the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) showed that 81% of the top-performing companies had non-cash reward programs. A 2016 study by DCRStrategies reported that 79% of companies that have used employee incentive programs say that their incentive program resulted in achieving […]
Lack of Engagement is Killing Your Profitability
Lack of employee engagement is killing your business’s profitability. It sounds harsh, but it’s the truth. Don’t believe it? Take a look at the statistics. Gallup’s 2013 report on the state of the American workforce showed that companies with highly engaged employees had 22% higher profitability, 28% less theft, 48% fewer safety incidents, and 10% higher ratings from their customers. Those averages were even higher when looking at just Millennial workers. Additionally, when employees are engaged, they’re three times less likely to leave your company. This is another area where engagement will save money for your company. On average, it costs over $4000 to hire a new employee. Recognition plays a huge part in employee engagement. 74% of employees who receive daily recognition reported being very engaged in their jobs. The more often an employee receives recognition, the higher the level of engagement reported. The question is, what is the best way to engage your employees? One of the best, easiest, and most cost-effective ways you can engage your workforce is through incentive programs. A 2016 study by DCRStrategies reported that 79% of companies that have used employee incentive programs say that their incentive program resulted in achieving their established […]