Case Study: How ADR Protected a Health and Wellness Rewards Program with Swift and Targeted Fraud Mitigation

BY Lucy Fang
Aug 02, 2024
Fraud Prevention in Rewards Programs

When a long-time client in the health and wellness industry began noticing unusual redemptions in their rewards program, they knew something was wrong. Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like things are slipping out of control? That’s exactly how they felt when contacting All Digital Rewards (ADR). They had always trusted our platform, but this was a new territory—possible fraud. They needed help, fast.

Background: A Trusted Partner Facing a New Challenge

For years, this client had relied on ADR’s RewardSTACK™ platform to manage their health and wellness rewards program. It was a critical part of their business, driving engagement and encouraging healthy behavior among participants. But recently, something has changed. Multiple accounts showed suspicious point redemptions that didn’t match their usual patterns, and the client’s team was understandably concerned.

Their internal security team was overwhelmed. “We couldn’t pinpoint where things were going wrong,” their account manager shared. It was time for ADR to step in and assist.

The Challenge: Unauthorized Redemptions

The problem was clear: some participants were redeeming points in ways that weren’t adding up. The client needed immediate action to stop the fraudulent activity without halting the entire rewards program. They said, “We couldn’t afford to lose trust with our customers and their members, but we also couldn’t let the fraud continue.”

They needed a solution to protect the program without causing a significant disruption.

Solution: Swift and Seamless Fraud Mitigation

Targeted mitigation in rewards programs

At ADR, security is always a priority. Within 20 minutes of receiving the client’s call, we acted. First, we temporarily took all client marketplaces offline to stop the fraudulent activity in its tracks. “It was a tough decision to pause everything,” the Director of Platform Solutions said, “but it was the safest move to protect our client’s business and their customer’s incentive programs.”

With the programs offline, the client took the lead in identifying the problem, as it originated on their end. Together, we worked closely with their team, analyzing transaction data to pinpoint the compromised accounts. Once the affected areas were identified, we carefully reactivated the unaffected marketplaces, ensuring legitimate users could continue accessing their rewards seamlessly.

It was a controlled, strategic approach. “It was like turning the lights back on,” the client’s security lead noted. “We were back in business without putting anyone else at risk.”

Results: Minimizing Disruption and Maximizing Security

Ultimately, ADR’s quick response and tailored solution meant that the client’s rewards program stayed up and running with minimal disruption. Within a short time, all programs were back up and running. Most users didn’t even know anything had happened because we could bring them up immediately, one at a time, as the client released them as a GO LIVE, and those affected saw their issues resolved quickly and efficiently.

“ADR saved us from what could have been a disaster,” the client shared. The fraud was contained, customer trust was maintained, and new security measures were implemented on the client systems to prevent future issues. As a result, the client’s program is now even stronger than before.

ADR’s ability to respond swiftly and precisely gave the client peace of mind, knowing their rewards program and reputation were secure. If you’re looking for a partner that puts security first while ensuring business continuity, ADR is ready to help. Let’s discuss how we can protect your rewards program, just like we did for this client.


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Don’t wait until it’s too late—ensure your rewards program is secure and resilient. Contact us today for a consultation and learn how ADR can provide tailored, secure reward management solutions you can trust.